"Samalagi" is a word in HILIGAYNON


samalági - (B) Tamarind. See sámbag,

Few words of positivity

I was like, Am I gay? Am I straight? And I realized...I'm just slutty. Where's my parade?

Margaret Cho

Laugh your heart out.

How could the dolphin afford to buy a house ?He prawned everything !


Having a brown color tonged with red, as of flame seen through smoke.

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pakkiaw ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to do or buy wholesale.

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curtailment ENGLISH

The act or result of curtailing or cutting off.

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proscript ENGLISH

A proscription; a prohibition; an interdict.

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englut ENGLISH

To swallow or gulp down.

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croton ENGLISH

A genus of euphorbiaceous plants belonging to tropical countries.

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asseverative ENGLISH

Characterized by asseveration; asserting positively.

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asperity ENGLISH

Moral roughness; roughness of manner; severity; crabbedness; harshness; -- opposed to mildness.

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weal-balanced ENGLISH

Balanced or considered with reference to public weal.

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An inlet from the Gulf of Mexico, from a lake, or from a large river, sometimes sluggish, sometimes without perceptible …

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A suffix properly meaning a rule, ruling, as in monarchy, the rule of one only. Cf. -arch.

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A violent gust of wind.

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leisure ENGLISH

Unemployed; as, leisure hours.

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endosteum ENGLISH

The layer of vascular connective tissue lining the medullary cavities of bone.

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warren ENGLISH

A privilege which one has in his lands, by royal grant or prescription, of hunting and taking wild beasts and …

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palatinate ENGLISH

The province or seigniory of a palatine; the dignity of a palatine.

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lipód - To screen, stand between, bar, block, close the view of, hide behind, conceal, cover, cloak, veil; a screen, …

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truncated ENGLISH

Replaced, or cut off, by a plane, especially when equally inclined to the adjoining faces; as, a truncated edge.

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grosbeak ENGLISH

One of various species of finches having a large, stout beak. The common European grosbeak or hawfinch is Coccothraustes vulgaris.

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