"Saklaw" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


sáklaw - To take amiss, resent, fume,
take—ill,—to heart,—offence,—umbrage,
get offended, angry, excited, vexed.
Nasáklaw akó siníng hámbal. I am
offended at this kind of talk. Ginpasáklaw
níya akó sang lakás níya nga pamábà. He
made me angry with his endless mouthing.
Indì mo siá pagpasaklawón. Don’t
exasperate him or make him angry. (cf.
ákig, súngon, súnggud, ugút).

saklaw CEBUANO

saklaw v [A; ab2] snatch at s.t.
, grab s.t.
away from s.
Suk-mágun ta ka ug saklawun mu ning ákung ayiskrim, Ill hit you if you try to snatch my ice cream from me.
aN-r- see ananaklaw.

Few words of positivity

Was I (am I not still?) a victim of words and books merely, and are books just an excuse for living, living things out in parenthesis, even in the most desolate stony place as I was, quotations and misquotations raining down on me thick and fast – words, words, words – the multitude of words, a parody of rain? For after all, as old Mrs Feany said, the rain is healthy. And the rain it raineth everyday. But the stuff of books and solitude and spying on the poor, could they be healthy? Or were my doubts the real heresy and treason? What book ever changed the world? It seems a solipsism to say that what changes the way we see the world, changes the world, but it is not. Where do you want me to begin? The Bible, Das Kapital? The Divine Comedy, The Satanic Verses?

Andrew McNeillie

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Bruce !Bruce who ?I Bruce easily, don't hit me !


bulingót - Displeased, morose, stern, annoyed, dark-browed, vexed, put out, sulky, gloomy, glum, offended; to frown, scowl, knit one’s brows, …

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disgústo - (Sp. disgusto) Disgust, repugnance, dislike, aversion, displeasure; to disgust, offend, dislike, displease, annoy, vex, bother, fret, irritate, tire, …

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himuligot HILIGAYNON

himuligót - To frown, sulk, scowl, be offended, cross, angry. (cf. bulingót, kolisáw, súnggud, súngon, kísdong, lárong, ariwaróng).

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ingít - To be angry, offended, discontent. (cf. ákig, pasingít, súngon).

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offend ENGLISH

To displease; to make angry; to affront.

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pamingót - To be envious, spiteful; be stingy, miserly; to chafe, fret, be angry, look cross or offended. (cf. palamingót).

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panungguron HILIGAYNON

panunggúron - Frown, scowl, angry look; to be angry, offended, to sulk, scowl, be sullen. (cf. súnggud, kulumúron).

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pusangót - Ill-humoured, frowning, offended; to frown, sulk, pout, look— angry,—morose,—sullen, (cf. kósmod, purángot, púgwat, súngon, súnggud, kúmud, ariwaróng).

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sulingót - To be angry, to frown, sulk, be offended, look dark or cross, etc. (cf. suringót, bulingót, buringót, súngon, …

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sunggarot HILIGAYNON

sunggarót - To frown, sulk, pout, get angry, be offended, look cross. (cf. súnggud, súngon, ariwaróng, lárong, bulingót).

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