"Sairo" is a word in ILOKANO


n. devil, tempter. v. /MANG-:-EN/ to tempt, lead to evil.

Few words of positivity

They say adolescent 'best' friendships are like love affairs where we learn the rules of relationships: commitment, trust, loyalty, jealousy, exchange, loss. Not being acquainted with the theories of friendship, Charles and Lise chose each other out of good humoured envy. Each wanted the life of the other.

Barbara Wels

Laugh your heart out.

One day there were these three boys walking down the street, all of a sudden they heard a yell: 'HELP! HELP!'When the boys got to the noise they saw Bill Clinton in a lake drowning. The three boys saved him from drowning. Bill Clinton asks the first boy how he could ever repay him. The boy said, 'I want a boat.'The second boy said 'I want a truck.' And the third boy said, 'I want three tombstones with arenames all on them.' Bill Clinton said, 'why is that son?' The little boy said, 'because when my Dad finds out that wesaved you, he is going to kill us all!'


ákud v [AB126; b5] disable, be disabled. Naákud ang táwu nga nabalían sa páa, The man who broke his thigh …

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bibingka CEBUANO

bibingka n {1} rice cake made from finely ground rice mixed with coconut milk, sugar, and sometimes with other ingredients …

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demdem ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to repress. Nabayag nga demdemdemen na ti pungtot na. He has been repressing his anger for a long …

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diables ILOKANO

n. form of DIABLO used in cursing. Naggaset ket ti diables nga Paulon. That devil Paul is indeed very lucky. …

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diaske ILOKANO

n. a curse word synonymous with DIABLES; devil. Kasla napukaw nga asok ti diaske. The devil disappeared like smoke.

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dimungkug CEBUANO

dimungkug n {1} expression of disgust or dismay: darn! (eu-phemism for dimunyu). Dimungkug! Níay bisítag wà tay sud-an, Darn! We …

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dimunyu CEBUANO

dimunyu n {1} demon, devil. Unsang dimunyúha ang nasulud sa ímung úlu? What sort of devil has gotten into your …

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diyablu CEBUANO

diyablu n {1} devil. Usa ka diyablu mipakítà níya, A devil appeared to him. {2} devil, said as a mild …

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dusipil CEBUANO

dusipil n {1} the devil, Lucifer. {2} s. o. wicked or malicious like Lucifer.

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hutwang CEBUANO

hutwang v [A; b6] for dogs to howl. Muhutwang ang irù ug makakitag panulay, Dogs howl when they see devils. …

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íkug n {1} tail, or analogous structure. Midágan pinabahag ang íkug, He ran o? with his tail between his legs. …

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káun v {1} [A2S3S; a] eat. Nagkaun ka na? Have you eaten? Nakakaun na kug amù, I have eaten monkey …

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libak v [AN; a1] backbite, say bad things about s. o. when his back is turned or cannot understand them. …

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marka n {1} a visible trace or impression on a surface. Dú-nay mga marka sa tiil sa kawatan didtu, The …

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naáka n expression of mild displeasure at s. o. with a note of a? ection. Ag naáka! Muamin ra nákù …

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paggaak ILOKANO

n. loud laughter, Matitileng payen dagiti sairo iti paggaak da. Even the devils are deafened by their laughter. v. /AG-/ …

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pakù n {1} wings. {2} ventral fin. {3} means or instrument to achieve s.t. : money, credentials, ability (colloquial). Dì …

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sastre ILOKANO

n. tailor. SATANAS [f. Sp.], n. satan, the devil. --syn. SAIRU, DEMONYO.

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satanas CEBUANO

satanas n {1} Satan. {2} devil.

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sulay v {1} [A; b6(1)] try doing s.t. Sulayan ta ug paandar ang makina, Let us try starting the engine. …

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