"Sagiwsiw" is a word in CEBUANO

sagiwsiw CEBUANO

sagiwsiw v [A] for blood to flow profusely.
Misagiwsiw ang dugù sa gisubáan, Blood flowed profusely from the woman that had a hemorrhage.

Few words of positivity

easily the best thing in her life at the moment was her secret.

Nick Hornby, Juliet, Naked

Laugh your heart out.

A husband and wife were at a party chatting with some friends when the subject of marriage counseling came up. "Oh, we'll never need that. My wife and I have a great relationship,"the husband explained. "She was a communications major in college and I majored in theatre arts." He continued, "She communicates well and I act like I'm listening."

rumseller ENGLISH

One who sells rum; one who deals in intoxicating liquors; especially, one who sells spirituous beverages at retail.

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dyip Definition: (noun) jeep, jeepney 2 Definition: Notes: English Examples:

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psalmody ENGLISH

The act, practice, or art of singing psalms or sacred songs; also, psalms collectively, or a collection of psalms.

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epicureanism ENGLISH

Attachment to the doctrines of Epicurus; the principles or belief of Epicurus.

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dispirada CEBUANO

dispiráda = dispirádu (female).

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vulgar ENGLISH

Belonging or relating to the common people, as distinguished from the cultivated or educated; pertaining to common life; plebeian; not …

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greencloth ENGLISH

A board or court of justice formerly held in the counting house of the British sovereign's household, composed of the …

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salaud CEBUANO

saláud (coined from salà and baláudnot without l) n crime against persons and property. Ang saláud sa pagpatay, The crime …

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warfare ENGLISH

Contest; struggle.

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taratalanda HILIGAYNON

taratalánda - A loafer, idler, good-fornothing, hobo: to loaf, be an idler, idle away the time. (cf. karakalánda, tiógtióg, haráyháray).

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banggis CEBUANO

banggis v [A; b] scrape, scrub s.t. o? a surface. Kutsilyu ang íyang ibanggis sa húgaw sa lamísa, Shell use …

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Killyth-Stallion LAW AND LEGAL

A custom by which lords of manors were bound to provide a stallion for the use of thelr tenants* mares. …

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Same as Reeding.

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western ENGLISH

Moving toward the west; as, a ship makes a western course; coming from the west; as, a western breeze.

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kíhad - To cut into slices, to slice, carve. Kihára (-áda) ang kapáyas, kalabása, lángkà, tinápay, etc. Slice the papaw, …

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A daughter of one's grandson or granddaughter.

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tinutulinan HILIGAYNON

tinutulínan - Commissioner, officer or official in charge, person in authority, representative, delegate, proxy. (cf. túlin, tulinánan).

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rimut kuntrul v [A; c6] broadcast away from the radio station. Magrimut kuntrul mi sa mísa sa Santu Rusaryu, We …

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