"Sagalsal" is a word in HILIGAYNON, CEBUANO


sagálsal - Out of tune, discordant,
inharmonious. (cf. libágon, salagakád).

sagalsal CEBUANO

sagalsal a rough with small bumps.
v [B; c6] be, become rough.
Nawung nga nagsagalsal sa bugas, A face dotted with pimples.
-un a a rough, bumpy sort.
v [B12] become rough.
Nasagalsalun ang karsáda pag-ulan, The road became rough when it rained.

Few words of positivity

May all you affirm and believe be given the opportunity to manifest - day by day.

Eleesha, The Soulful Pathway To Affirmations: Soulfully Affirming Your Life's True Purpose & Destiny With the Power of Affirmations

Laugh your heart out.

What lives in the ocean, is grouchy and hates neighbours ? A hermit crab !


abúnu n {1} fertilizer. {2} transfusion or infusion. Nagkina-hanglan siyag abúnu kay gisulgan sa dugù, He needs a transfu-sion because …

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agusahis CEBUANO

agusahis n k. o. shrub or small tree. The leaves have rough upper surface and are used as sandpaper: Ficus …

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ambrila CEBUANO

ambríla kat n style of skirt with several triangular pieces flaring to the hem and narrow at the waist, roughly …

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bagaba CEBUANO

bagàbà n edible seaweed found clinging to o? shore rocks, roughly cylindrical, branching and hard as bone cartilage. paN- v …

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balala CEBUANO

balalà a {1} slow to comprehend. Balà kaáyu siya sa klási, He is very dull in class. {2} very inferior …

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balikwaut CEBUANO

balikwaut a lacking in grace, balance, euphony. Balikwaut pam-ináwun ang litiral kaáyung pagkahúbad, A literal translation lacks euphony. v [B6; …

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balungbalung CEBUANO

balungbálung n shanty, roughly built wooden house. v [A1; a] build a shanty. Nagbalungbálung sila daplin sa dálan, They built …

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banggus CEBUANO

banggus v {1} [A; c1] rub s.t. against a rough surface, but not with great pressure. Magbanggus ku sa kapáyas …

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batul a {1} for smooth or soft surfaces to have hard spots. {2} hard, brazen in character. v {1} [B4] …

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bigut, bígut v {1} [A; b5] sew s.t. with large, rough stitches. Gibígut (gibigutan) lang íning tapulan ang íyang muskitírung …

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byáhi n {1} trip, journey. Bálud tung byahía uy! That was a rough trip. {2} trip, single run of a …

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dagabdab CEBUANO

dagabdab n {1} disease of tobacco where the leaf turns rough and sti? and gets white spots all over it. …

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danasdanas CEBUANO

danasdánas v [A1; c6] use a vehicle or wear clothes going through a place it might get damaged. Kinsay nagdanasdánas …

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adj. /NA-/ 1. cruel, merciless, savage, inhuman. Nadawel dayta anak mo. Your child is cruel. 2. harmful, noxious, injurious. 2. …

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dugmil CEBUANO

dugmil v {1} [AB; c1] roll, wallow in dirt, sand, sugar and the like, cause s.t. to do so. Nagdugmil …

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gabas v {1} [A; a] saw. Kining parti sa tabla mau ang gabsun, Saw this part of the wood. {2} …

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gagara ILOKANO

v. /MANG-:-EN/ to overuse, to use roughly. /MA-/ to be overused, to be used roughly.

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gansal CEBUANO

gansal a rough, not smooth-surfaced. v [B1; a12] be, become rough. Gansála pagsimintu ang banyu arun dílì ta madalin-as, Put …

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gansang CEBUANO

gansang gansanggansang v [B16; c1] be rough and uneven. Nag-gansanggansang nga ngípun, Uneven teeth. -un a uneven, rough. Gansangun siyag …

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gapugapu CEBUANO

gapugapu v [B146; a2] be rough-skinned due to scars, scales, cal-luses. Nindut siyag bitíis ugáling kay naggapugapu lang tungud sa …

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