"Saddle" is a word in ENGLISH

saddle ENGLISH

To put a saddle upon; to equip (a beast) for riding.

saddle ENGLISH

The clitellus of an earthworm.

saddle ENGLISH

A part, as a flange, which is hollowed out to fit upon a
convex surface and serve as a means of attachment or support.

saddle ENGLISH

Hence: To fix as a charge or burden upon; to load; to
encumber; as, to saddle a town with the expense of bridges and

saddle ENGLISH

The threshold of a door, when a separate piece from the
floor or landing; -- so called because it spans and covers the joint
between two floors.

saddle ENGLISH

A seat for a rider, -- usually made of leather, padded to
span comfortably a horse's back, furnished with stirrups for the
rider's feet to rest in, and fastened in place with a girth; also, a
seat for the rider on a bicycle or tricycle.

saddle ENGLISH

A padded part of a harness which is worn on a horse's back,
being fastened in place with a girth. It serves various purposes, as to
keep the breeching in place, carry guides for the reins, etc.

saddle ENGLISH

A piece of meat containing a part of the backbone of an
animal with the ribs on each side; as, a saddle of mutton, of venison,

saddle ENGLISH

A block of wood, usually fastened to some spar, and shaped
to receive the end of another spar.

Few words of positivity

The world is right because I feel good.p. 83, Awareness, copyright 1990

Anthony de Mello

Laugh your heart out.

There was a little old lady from a small town in America who had to go to Texas. She was amazed at the size of her hotel and her suite. She went into the huge cafe and said to the waitress, who took her order for a cup of coffee, that she had never before seen anything as big as the hotel or her suite. "Everything's big in Texas ma'am," said the waitress. The coffee came in the biggest cup the old lady had ever seen. "I told you, ma'am, that everything is big in Texas," said the waitress. On her way back to her suite, the old lady got lost in the vast corridors. She opened the door of a darkened room and fell into an enormous swimming pool. "Please!" she screamed. "Don't flush it!"


ampílò - A coarse saddle-cloth, saddlepad, often only an old sack or blanket used instead of a saddle by farmers …

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anticlastic ENGLISH

Having to opposite curvatures, that is, curved longitudinally in one direction and transversely in the opposite direction, as the surface …

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aparejo ENGLISH

A kind of pack saddle used in the American military service and among the Spanish Americans. It is made of …

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An ancient mode of pun-ishment, which was to carry a saddle at the back as a token of subjection. Spelman

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bareback ENGLISH

On the bare back of a horse, without using a saddle; as, to ride bareback.

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batikóla - (Sp. baticola) Crupper, the strap that passes under a horse’s tail and prevents the saddle from slipping forward.

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batikula CEBUANO

batikúla n crupper, part of saddle or harness which goes around the tail. v [A; c1] put on, make into …

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bellyband ENGLISH

A band that passes under the belly of a horse and holds the saddle or harness in place; a girth.

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bicycle ENGLISH

A light vehicle having two wheels one behind the other. It has a saddle seat and is propelled by the …

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bolster ENGLISH

A cushioned or a piece part of a saddle.

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To tame; to reduce to subjection; to make tractable; to discipline; as, to break a horse to the harness or …

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bullion ENGLISH

Showy metallic ornament, as of gold, silver, or copper, on bridles, saddles, etc.

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cacolet ENGLISH

A chair, litter, or other contrivance fitted to the back or pack saddle of a mule for carrying travelers in …

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cantle ENGLISH

The upwardly projecting rear part of saddle, opposite to the pommel.

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chapelet ENGLISH

A pair of straps, with stirrups, joined at the top and fastened to the pommel or the frame of the …

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A strong saddle girth, as of canvas.

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A short-legged and stout horse, esp. one used for the saddle.

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The hinder part or buttocks of certain quadrupeds, especially of a horse; hence, the place behind the saddle.

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crupper ENGLISH

A leather loop, passing under a horse's tail, and buckled to the saddle to keep it from slipping forwards.

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crutch ENGLISH

A form of pommel for a woman's saddle, consisting of a forked rest to hold the leg of the rider.

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