"Sabung" is a word in ILOKANO, CEBUANO

sabung ILOKANO

n. flower, blossom. v. /AG-, MANGI-: I-/ to bear flowers, to blossom. Agsabungen ta mangga yon. Your mango tree is now blossoming. SABUNG TI KUKO, lunule of the nail

sabung CEBUANO

sábung n cockfight, usually without ga?
v [AC; a] {1} fight cocks.
Sabúngan ku nang ímung ugis sa ákung pula, I will try out my red cock on your white one.
{2} pair o?
people, usually in a love match.
pa-a let [subject] have a light from a burning cigarette.
Pasabúnga ku bi, Let me have a light.
-íru, maN-r-() n one who fights cocks.

Few words of positivity

The past is only making you to spill tears, tears of joy or tears pain. But anyway they are making you sad, for the things you had and will never have again.


Laugh your heart out.

Q: What did the Egyptian man say to the Egyptian woman? A: "Come behind the pyramid, and I'll make you a mummy!"

anugut CEBUANO

anugut n torch made from dried coconut blossom sheaths.

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asusinas CEBUANO

asusínas n {1} k. o. bulbous ornamental plant with spikes of fragrant white flowers, borne in pairs: Polianthes tuberosa. {2} …

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banuut CEBUANO

banúut n sheath of a coconut blossom.

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bayuus CEBUANO

bayúus n {1} bud from which a fruit or flower develops. {2} a girl who is about to blossom into …

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bisung CEBUANO

bisung n womans genitalia. hiN-() v [B46] for women to blossom forth and be robust (humorous). Makapanghimísung diay ning gugma, …

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buklad CEBUANO

buklad v {1} [A; c1] spread s.t. out flat. Mubuklad na ku ug banig kay matúlug na ku, I will …

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búlak n {1} flower, blossom. {1a} woman (metaphor). Ikaw ang búlak nga ákung gipangítà, You are the maid (lit. flower) …

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butiti CEBUANO

butíti n general name for pu? erfishes. paN- v [A] for rice sheaths to swell prior to blossoming.

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dául n dried sheath of the coconut blossom. dáup v [A13B2S346; c] fold the hands together and place them over …

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gínit n the cloth-like sheath, growing o? the sides of the base of coconut palm fronds, protecting the young frond …

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mutyà n {1} precious gem with magical properties. May mutyà nà siya búsà dílì dutlan, He has a charm and …

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pakgut CEBUANO

pakgut v {1} [A; ab7] cut, slice with a sickle. Pakgútan sa manananggut ang buluk káda buntag, The toddy gatherer …

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púsù n {1} banana blossom including the petals. {2} ear of corn. v [A2N; b(1)] for corn to have ears …

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taguk n {1} sticky sap of plants and fruits. {2} sticky, thin, membranous substance that sticks on the body of …

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tinghuy CEBUANO

tinghuy n small oil lamp made of a wick of tightly rolled cotton blossoms floating in the oil, used as …

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tun-ug CEBUANO

tun-ug n {1} cold air, atmosphere. Panira arun dì musulud ang tun-ug, Close the windows so the cold wont get …

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