"Rustical" is a word in ENGLISH

rustical ENGLISH


Few words of positivity

The more you love music, the more music you love.

Tom Moon, 1,000 Recordings to Hear Before You Die

Laugh your heart out.

What did one mosquito say to another when they came out of the cinema?Fancy a bite?

agrestic ENGLISH

Pertaining to fields or the country, in opposition to the city; rural; rustic; unpolished; uncouth.

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backsword ENGLISH

In England, a stick with a basket handle, used in rustic amusements; also, the game in which the stick is …

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bambocciade ENGLISH

A representation of a grotesque scene from common or rustic life.

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A rustic play; -- called also prisoner's base, prison base, or bars.

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bergomask ENGLISH

A rustic dance, so called in ridicule of the people of Bergamo, in Italy, once noted for their clownishness.

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birlaw ENGLISH

A law made by husbandmen respecting rural affairs; a rustic or local law or by-law.

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A husbandman; a peasant; a rustic; esp. a clownish or unrefined countryman.

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bossage ENGLISH

Rustic work, consisting of stones which seem to advance beyond the level of the building, by reason of indentures or …

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A rustic cottage or abode; poetically, an attractive abode or retreat.

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bride-ale ENGLISH

A rustic wedding feast; a bridal. See Ale.

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bucolic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the life and occupation of a shepherd; pastoral; rustic.

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A rude, rustic man; a churl.

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A rustic; a countryman or laborer.

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Having the manners of one dwelling in a city, as opposed to those of savages or rustics; polite; courteous; complaisant; …

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clodhopper ENGLISH

A rude, rustic fellow.

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One who works upon the soil; a rustic; a churl.

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cocker ENGLISH

A rustic high shoe or half-boots.

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cottagely ENGLISH

Cottagelike; suitable for a cottage; rustic.

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countrified ENGLISH

Having the appearance and manners of a rustic; rude.

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countrify ENGLISH

To give a rural appearance to; to cause to appear rustic.

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