"Rubar" is a word in CEBUANO


rubar v [A; a1] draw a mahjong piece.
n action of drawing.
rubáda = rubar.

Few words of positivity

As I was wheeled into the operating room I pleaded withGod for one more day, one more week, one more month with her.

Ariana Carruth, Love for Our Afflictions: Allowing Pain to Pave the Way to Peace

Laugh your heart out.

What do you call a man with a rabbit up his jumper ?Warren !

tridacna ENGLISH

A genus of very large marine bivalve shells found on the coral reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. One …

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proclivity ENGLISH

Readiness; facility; aptitude.

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disnatured ENGLISH

Deprived or destitute of natural feelings; unnatural.

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protonotary ENGLISH

Formerly, one who had the charge of writing the acts of the martyrs, and the circumstances of their death; now, …

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To declare not to be true; to gainsay; to contradict; -- opposed to affirm, allow, or admit.

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season ENGLISH

That which gives relish; seasoning.

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controverter ENGLISH

One who controverts; a controversial writer; a controversialist.

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irritatory ENGLISH

Exciting; producing irritation; irritating.

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cowardly ENGLISH

Wanting courage; basely or weakly timid or fearful; pusillanimous; spiritless.

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kagab-ihon HILIGAYNON

kagab-íhon - (H) Deep night, night-time.

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tremex ENGLISH

A genus of large hymenopterous insects allied to the sawflies. The female lays her eggs in holes which she bores …

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astrofel ENGLISH

Alt. of Astrofell

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pectineal ENGLISH

Relating to, or connected with, the pubic bone.

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latag Active Verb: maglatag Passive Verb: ilatag Definition: (verb) to spread out; to unfold and lay on the ground 2 …

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lúbak - (B) To crush, pound, beat. Nagalúbak siá sing ságing sa lusóng. He is pounding bananas in the rice-mortar. …

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lepidosiren ENGLISH

An eel-shaped ganoid fish of the order Dipnoi, having both gills and lungs. It inhabits the rivers of South America. …

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stripe ENGLISH

A strip, or long, narrow piece attached to something of a different color; as, a red or blue stripe sewed …

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