"Rivose" is a word in ENGLISH

rivose ENGLISH

Marked with sinuate and irregular furrows.

Few words of positivity

It’s always the end of the world,” said Russell Grandinetti, one of Amazon’s top executives. “You could set your watch on it arriving.” He pointed out, though, that the landscape was in some ways changing for the first time since Gutenberg invented the modern book nearly 600 years ago. “The only really necessary people in the publishing process now are the writer and reader,” he said. “Everyone who stands between those two has both risk and opportunity.” Amazon Signs Up Authors, Writing Publishers Out of Deal. New York Times, 10/16/2011

Russell Grandinetti

Laugh your heart out.

Do you think, Professor, that my wife should take up the piano as a career? No, I think she should put down the lid as a favor.


A miner's compass.

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aspiration ENGLISH

The act of breathing; a breath; an inspiration.

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alibubungan HILIGAYNON

alibubungán - See alibungán.

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compact ENGLISH

An agreement between parties; a covenant or contract.

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payn-apul CEBUANO

payn-ápul n pineapple. dyús n pineapple juice.

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The softer inorganic matter composing part of the surface of the globe, in distinction from the firm rock; soil of …

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blossom ENGLISH

A blooming period or stage of development; something lovely that gives rich promise.

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higushigus HILIGAYNON

higúshigús - Too little, too small, short, lacking, not enough, below the standard, less than is needed or required; to …

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punnet ENGLISH

A broad, shallow basket, for displaying fruit or flowers.

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míya íha my darling girl. Uy, íha míya dì nà mau ang ímung nadá. Iúlì nà, Oh, honey, you took …

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nobody ENGLISH

A person of no influence or importance; an insignificant or contemptible person.

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vicine ENGLISH

Near; neighboring; vicinal.

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mag-asawa WARAY

Mag-asawa - married couple

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isará - (B) Alone, only, solitary, sole, the only one. (cf. usará).

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titulu CEBUANO

titulu n {1} professional degree. {2} title, name of literary works. {3} document certifying legal ownership of a piece of …

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traidór - (Sp. traidor) Traitor, betrayer. (cf. maluíb, mabúdhì).

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In French Canadian lnw. An an-nual tribute or due reserved to a seignior or lord, and imposed merely in recognition …

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doót - To come into physical contact with, feel, touch, handle, finger, fumble. Walâ siá makadoót sa ákon. He did …

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kidling ENGLISH