"Risago" is a word in HILIGAYNON


riságo - (Sp. rezago) Remainder, residue,
balance. (cf. bilín, salín).

Few words of positivity

If you can't tell from my rap lyrics already, yes I am a feminist. And when I'm saying "hoe" or "bitch" I am actually referring to men. ...That sounded bad, in someway. But at the end of the day, I'm sick of rappers using "bitches" and "hoes" as terms towards women. Feminists are NOT a hate group. Feminists are not all female. Nor has it got an anti-male agenda. It's about equality! I've had a weird, special bond with women since I was a kid. And it's just a shame really that I'm gay.

scott mcgoldrick

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Know how to solve the Serbian/Bosnian problem in less than 48 hours?A: Put Janet Reno in charge.

karkar ILOKANO

v. /-UM-:-AN/ to erode. /MA--AN/ to be eroded. Nakarkaran dayta pagayan ti danum. Water eroded that rice field.

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The purpose of Good from eternity respecting all events; especially, the preordination of men to everlasting happiness or misery. See …

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In a right manner.

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suspend ENGLISH

To debar, or cause to withdraw temporarily, from any privilege, from the execution of an office, from the enjoyment of …

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A bulkhead on the forecastle and half deck of a ship.

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of Prezygapophysis

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hosting ENGLISH

An encounter; a battle.

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appoggiatura ENGLISH

A passing tone preceding an essential tone, and borrowing the time it occupies from that; a short auxiliary or grace …

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dousing-chock ENGLISH

One of several pieces fayed across the apron and lapped in the knightheads, or inside planking above the upper deck.

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incorruptive ENGLISH

Incorruptible; not liable to decay.

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A small, shining body, or transient light; a sparkle.

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To make an opening in; to breach.

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irong WARAY
souvenance ENGLISH

Alt. of Sovenaunce

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grease ENGLISH

An inflammation of a horse's heels, suspending the ordinary greasy secretion of the part, and producing dryness and scurfiness, followed …

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cinter ENGLISH
Yielding And Faying LAW AND LEGAL

In conveyancing. The initial words of that clause ln leases in Which the rent to be paid by the lessee …

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tamok WARAY

Tamok - to be able to choose the right answer through trial and error

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verine ENGLISH

An alkaloid obtained as a yellow amorphous substance by the decomposition of veratrine.

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citigrade ENGLISH

One of the Citigradae.

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