"Ringgohot" is a word in HILIGAYNON

ringgohot HILIGAYNON

ringgóhot - (B) See linggóhot,
lininggóhot id. (cf. sarumbálì).

Few words of positivity

There is nothing loving about encouraging fear. Nothing. Fear leads to darkness, depression, anger, irrationality, anxiety, consternation, unrest, and ultimately, destruction. Fear, as Yoda reminds us all, is the path to the Dark Side. Fear is a weapon, not a productive tool. Fear is a means of control. Fear should never be the basis for why anyone does anything regarding the health of the mind, body, and spirit.

Michael Vito Tosto, Portrait of an Infidel: The Acerbic Account of How a Passionate Christian Became an Ardent Atheist

Laugh your heart out.

A man walks into a bar and orders a shot then looks into his pocket. he does this over and over again. finally the bartender asks why he orders a shot and after drinking it he looks into his pocket. the man responded " i have a picture of my wife in there and when she starts to look good then i'll go home."

The act or process of applying general principles or formulae to the explanation of the results obtained in special cases.

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procidentia ENGLISH

A falling down; a prolapsus.

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Right Of Property LAW AND LEGAL

The mere right of property in land; the abstract right which remains to the owner after he has lost the …

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A suffix used to denote: (a) The nonmetallic, or negative, element or radical in a binary compound; as, oxide, sulphide, …

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Hence, one who boastfully pretends to skill or knowledge of any kind not possessed; a charlatan.

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wealth ENGLISH

Weal; welfare; prosperity; good.

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spired ENGLISH

Having a spire; being in the form of a spire; as, a spired steeple.

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Same as Hearse, v. t.

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v. /MANG-:-EN/ to level, make even or smooth. /MA-/ to be levelled, made even or smooth.

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The frame or timbers on which a ship rests while building.

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derisive ENGLISH

Expressing, serving for, or characterized by, derision.

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sallowness ENGLISH

The quality or condition of being sallow.

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tanggab CEBUANO

tanggab v [A3P; a1] cut s.t. down clean, usually with one stroke. Nananggab ang mag-uúma sa kasagingang gialkuhíris, The farmer …

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camptight ENGLISH

A duel; the decision of a case by a duel.

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A strong blow given with a sweeping motion, as with a bat or club.

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gumminess ENGLISH

The state or quality of being gummy; viscousness.

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obnoxious ENGLISH

Subject; liable; exposed; answerable; amenable; -- with to.

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tubígon - Watery, pertaining to water; flooded, marshy, boggy, fenny, morassy, swampy; slushy, miry. (cf. túbig).

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