"Rimosity" is a word in ENGLISH

rimosity ENGLISH

State of being rimose.

Few words of positivity

There is no such thing as standing still you either move forward or regress.

Bohdi Sanders

Laugh your heart out.

Doctor, doctor, I keep thinking I'm a slice of bread. Doctor: You've got to stop loafing around.

sinter ENGLISH

Dross, as of iron; the scale which files from iron when hammered; -- applied as a name to various minerals.

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karera TAGALOG

karera Definition: (noun) race, racing; career, profession Notes: Spanish

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redeem ENGLISH

To pay the penalty of; to make amends for; to serve as an equivalent or offset for; to atone for; …

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abugagu CEBUANO

abugágu n dumb lawyer (play on the words abugádu lawyer and gágu stupid).

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pondfish ENGLISH

Any one of numerous species of American fresh-water fishes belonging to the family Centrarchidae; -- called also pond perch, and …

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In old English practice. A writ which issued where a sheriff had returned nihil, upon a summoneas ad warrantizandum, and …

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pulingly ENGLISH

With whining or complaint.

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aventure ENGLISH

A mischance causing a person's death without felony, as by drowning, or falling into the fire.

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madegassy ENGLISH
deliberate ENGLISH

Formed with deliberation; well-advised; carefully considered; not sudden or rash; as, a deliberate opinion; a deliberate measure or result.

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stencil ENGLISH

To mark, paint, or color in figures with stencils; to form or print by means of a stencil.

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exorhizous ENGLISH

Having a radicle which is not inclosed by the cotyledons or plumule; of or relating to an exorhiza.

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clammy ENGLISH

Having the quality of being viscous or adhesive; soft and sticky; glutinous; damp and adhesive, as if covered with a …

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Originalia LAW AND LEGAL

In Engllsh law. Transcripts sent to the remembrancer’s office ln the exchequer out of the chancery, dlstln* guished from reoorda, …

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spermatospore ENGLISH

Same as Spermospore.

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harmonizer ENGLISH

One who harmonizes.

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gradual ENGLISH

A service book containing the musical portions of the Mass.

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The stock or handle of anything; as, the stale of a rake.

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amadou ENGLISH

A spongy, combustible substance, prepared from fungus (Boletus and Polyporus) which grows on old trees; German tinder; punk. It has …

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beneficiary ENGLISH

Holding some office or valuable possession, in subordination to another; holding under a feudal or other superior; having a dependent …

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