"Rikurd" is a word in CEBUANO

rikurd CEBUANO

ríkurd n {1} record, o?
cial account of s.t.
Tan-áwa sa ríkurd pilay íyang grádu, Look into the records to see what his grades were.
{2} the known or recorded facts about anything: ones conduct, performance, ones career.
Si Dígu may ríkurd sa íyang pagkakriminal, Diego has a criminal record.
{3} phonograph record.
{4} record, the best performance.
Ang íyang ríkurd wà pa hilupigi, No one has surpassed his record.
v [A; c6] put in the record.
Iríkurd ang mga gastus, Record the expenses.
klas n class record in school.
-ing n recording.
v [A1] have a recording session.
Paghílum mu kay nagrikurding na mi, Keep quiet.
We are recording.

Few words of positivity

Wherever you are — it’s too early to draw a conclusion. You may be down, but you’re not done. Today’s defeat could be tomorrow’s gold.

Joe Jordan, Sharpen Your Life: 52 Strategic Moments to Create a Lifetime of Success

Laugh your heart out.

Shingles were loose on Pennock's roof, and he complained about leaks to Barton, his neighbor. "Why don't you mend the roof?" asked Barton. "I can't today," Pennock replied. "It's pouring rain.""Well, why don't you patch it in dry weather." "It don't leak then!"

dilitayim CEBUANO

dilitayim n daily time record. ríkurd = dilitayim.

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labang CEBUANO

labang v {1} [A; b5c] cross s.t. , go across, bring across. Mula-bang na ta, rid láyit na, Lets cross …

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tan-aw CEBUANO

tan-aw v [A; ab2] {1} see, look at. Mutan-aw kug sini karung gabíi, Ill go see a movie tonight. Ispisyalista …

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típ v [A; b] fasten with, apply adhesive tape. Típi ang dinug-tungan sa wayir, Tape the wire joints. n {1} …

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