"Rikrak" is a word in CEBUANO

rikrak CEBUANO

rikrak n {1} ricrac, a k.
trimming for clothing.
{2} k.
or-namental bush with leaves that look like they have a ricrac, a variety of kalípay, 1 (Polyscias fruticosa).
v [A; b] trim, adorn with ricrac.

Few words of positivity

Caught in the center of a soundless fieldWhile hot inexplicable hours go byWhat trap is this? Where were its teeth concealed?You seem to ask.I make a sharp reply,Then clean my stick. I'm glad I can't explainJust in what jaws you were to suppurate:You may have thought things would come right againIf you could only keep quite still and wait.

Philip Larkin

Laugh your heart out.

NEWS ITEM. Kidnappers grabbed a little boy and two days later sent him home with a ransom note. His parents immediately sent the kid back with the money.

lurang CEBUANO

lurang v [B24] {1} for a storm or some other natural force to abate. Milurang na ang bagyu, The typhoon …

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thermotic ENGLISH

Alt. of Thermotical

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súkì - Customer, client, regular buyer or visitor. Súkì ko siá. He is one of my regular customers.

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legislatorial ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a legislator or legislature.

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The place where a person dwells. Dorsey v. Brigham, 177 111. 250, 52 N. E. 303, 42 L. R. A. …

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underside ENGLISH

The lower or lowest side of anything.

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disagree ENGLISH

To fail to accord; not to agree; to lack harmony; to differ; to be unlike; to be at variance.

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smaltite ENGLISH

A tin-white or gray mineral of metallic luster. It is an arsenide of cobalt, nickel, and iron. Called also speiskobalt.

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kakkak ILOKANO
acatalepsy ENGLISH

Incomprehensibility of things; the doctrine held by the ancient Skeptic philosophers, that human knowledge never amounts to certainty, but only …

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pressure ENGLISH

Affliction; distress; grievance.

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The application of chemical tests to minute objects or portions of matter, magnified by the use of the microscopy; -- …

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monomyary ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to the Monomya.

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Serving or fitted to present the full characters of the type of a group; typical; as, a representative genus in …

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Fig.: With reference to April being the month in which vegetation begins to put forth, the variableness of its weather, …

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prangos ENGLISH

A genus of umbelliferous plants, one species of which (P. pabularia), found in Thibet, Cashmere, Afghanistan, etc., has been used …

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mammillary ENGLISH

Composed of convex convex concretions, somewhat resembling the breasts in form; studded with small mammiform protuberances.

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