"Ribawun" is a word in CEBUANO

ribawun CEBUANO

ribáwun v {1} [A23; b6] bounce.
Hínay na muribáwun ning buláha, This ball bounces poorly.
{2} [A; a12] get the rebounds in basketball.
Hawud siyang muribáwun kay taas, He is good in catching the rebounds because he is tall.
n {1} bounce.
{2} rebounds in basketball.
-ir n a ball that rebounds in basketball.

Few words of positivity

What does not destroy me makes me strong.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Laugh your heart out.

Q: How many Americans does it take to change a lightbulb ? A: Two. One to replace it and one to tell him it was burned out (in states that still have car-inspection laws.) A: Three. One to stand on the ladder, and two to carry enough light bulbs until one is found that isn't defective. A: 250,000,000, one to change it and 249,999,999 to debate whether it it was politically correct.

langkat CEBUANO

langkat v {1} [A; a] rip o? , out, tear forcibly away. Átung langkátun ang salug, Let us rip the …

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