"Rhythm" is a word in ENGLISH

rhythm ENGLISH

Movement in musical time, with periodical recurrence of
accent; the measured beat or pulse which marks the character and
expression of the music; symmetry of movement and accent.

rhythm ENGLISH

The harmonious flow of vocal sounds.

rhythm ENGLISH

A division of lines into short portions by a regular
succession of arses and theses, or percussions and remissions of voice
on words or syllables.

rhythm ENGLISH

In the widest sense, a dividing into short portions by a
regular succession of motions, impulses, sounds, accents, etc.,
producing an agreeable effect, as in music poetry, the dance, or the

Few words of positivity

It wasn't always like this. There was a time when I imagined my life could happen in another way. It's true that early on I became used to the long hours I spent alone. I discovered that I did not need people as others did. After writing all day it took an effort to make conversation, like wading through cement, and often I simply chose not to make it, eating at a restaurant with a book or going for long walks alone instead, unwinding the solitude of the day through the city. But loneliness, true loneliness, is impossible to accustom oneself to, and while I was still young I thought of my situation as somehow temporary, and did not stop hoping and imagining that I would meet someone and fall in love... Yes, there was a time before I closed myself off to others.

Nicole Krauss, Great House

Laugh your heart out.

Why don't mexicans have checking accounts?It's too hard to spray paint your name on the little line.

mazurka ENGLISH

A Polish dance, or the music which accompanies it, usually in 3-4 or 3-8 measure, with a strong accent on …

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polonaise ENGLISH

A stately Polish dance tune, in 3-4 measure, beginning always on the beat with a quaver followed by a crotchet, …

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puntu n {1} point, the important or main idea. Klarúha ang puntu sa buut mung ipasabut, Clarify the point that …

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