"Rhusma" is a word in ENGLISH

rhusma ENGLISH

A mixtire of caustic lime and orpiment, or tersulphide of
arsenic, -- used in the depilation of hides.

Few words of positivity

I’ve officially turned into a loser,” she whispered cynically. “I’m looking forward to going home and having cereal for dinner and walking Mitchell and studying a little and then going to sleep. I’ve had my ‘going out and having fun’ quota for the year, I guess, and it’s June.

Daniel Amory, Minor Snobs

Laugh your heart out.

After seeing a documentary on how inner city youths can removethe wheels of cars in under 4 seconds with no specialistequipment, the McLaren team decided to fire their pit crew andhire four of the youths as most races can be won or lost in thepit lane.The first race came along and the car came into the pits. Theyouths went to work but the McLaren team boss noticed a realproblem.Not only had the youths replaced all four wheels within fourseconds, but within 10 seconds, they'd re-sprayed and re-numbered the car and sold it to the Ferrari Team!

textuary ENGLISH

One who adheres strictly or rigidly to the text.

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To set or fix, as a price or value.

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ornithoscopy ENGLISH

Observation of birds and their habits.

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lancepesade ENGLISH

An assistant to a corporal; a private performing the duties of a corporal; -- called also lance corporal.

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cuckold ENGLISH

A man whose wife is unfaithful; the husband of an adulteress.

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matanhagaon HILIGAYNON

matanhagáon - Wonderful, miraculous, extraordinary, marvellous, strange, surprising, astonishing; one who wonders or is surprised. (cf. tanhágà, makatitingála, makatalanhágà).

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slightingly ENGLISH

In a slighting manner.

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strike ENGLISH

To run upon a rock or bank; to be stranded; as, the ship struck in the night.

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jarrah ENGLISH

The mahoganylike wood of the Australian Eucalyptus marginata. See Eucalyptus.

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A canvas for a portrait measuring 58 by 94 inches. The half bishop measures 45 by 56.

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springy ENGLISH

Resembling, having the qualities of, or pertaining to, a spring; elastic; as, springy steel; a springy step.

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dynast ENGLISH

A ruler; a governor; a prince.

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brocatello ENGLISH

Same as Brocatel.

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