"Rhodian Laws" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Rhodian Laws LAW AND LEGAL

This, the earliest code or collection of maritime laws, was formulated by the people of the island of Rhodes, who, by thelr commercial prosperity and the superiority of their navies, had ac-qulred the sovereignty of the seas. Its date ls very uncertain, but ls supposed (by Kent and others) to be about 900 B. C. Nothing of it is now extant except the article on jettison, which has been preserved in the Roman col-lections. (Dig. 14, 2, “Lex Rhodia-de Jactu:1) Another code, under the same name, was published In more modern times, but is generally considered, by the best authorities, to be spurious. See Schomberg, Mar. Laws Rhodes, 37, 38; 3 Kent, Comm. 3, 4; Azuni, Mar. Law, 265-296

Few words of positivity

Cam shook his head. 'Do you ever listen to how much crazy shit comes out of your mouth?' 'Nope.' I hooked my fingers into his waistband and pulled him closer. 'Nobody does. That's why I remain undiagnosed.'

Lisa Henry, Dark Space

Laugh your heart out.

Q: How many Clinton White House officials does it take to change a lightbulb?A: None. They like to keep him in the dark!


Lat In the Roman law. A dti-zen; as distinguished from incola, (an in-habitant;) origin or birth constituting the former, domicile …

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