"Revolutionary" is a word in ENGLISH

revolutionary ENGLISH

A revolutionist.

revolutionary ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a revolution in government;
tending to, or promoting, revolution; as, revolutionary war;
revolutionary measures; revolutionary agitators.

Few words of positivity

Love does not mean just joining lips and belly. It is much more. One should have respect for the other.

Girdhar Joshi, Some Mistakes Have No Pardon

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the boxer date the pretty girl? Because she was a knockout!


kagúbut - Commotion, war, revolution, alarming condition, confusion, exciting state (of affairs). Salín sang kagúbut. Revolutionary veteran. War-veteran. (cf. gúbut).

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karbengan ILOKANO

n. duty, privilege, prerogative, right. REBOLBER [rεbolbεr; f. Eng.], n. revolver (a pistol). REBOLUSION [f. Sp.], n. revolution. REBOLUSIONARIO [rεbolusionario; …

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revolutionism ENGLISH

The state of being in revolution; revolutionary doctrines or principles.

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ribulusiyun CEBUANO

ribulusiyun n {1} revolution, complete political or social change. {2} revolution of a machine. v {1} [C2; b35] have a …

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