"Revolute" is a word in ENGLISH

revolute ENGLISH

Rolled backward or downward.

Few words of positivity

Immortal amarant, a flower which onceIn paradise, fast by the tree of life,Began to bloom; but soon for man's offenceTo heaven removed, where first it grew, there grows,And flowers aloft, shading the fount of life,And where the river of bliss through midst of heavenRolls o'er elysian flowers her amber stream:With these that never fade the spirits electBind their resplendent locks.

John Milton, Paradise Lost

Laugh your heart out.

What do you call the outside of a hand gren-egg ?The bombshell !

fluctuate ENGLISH

To move as a wave; to roll hither and thither; to wave; to float backward and forward, as on waves; …

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recoil ENGLISH

To start, roll, bound, spring, or fall back; to take a reverse motion; to be driven or forced backward; to …

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To roll or saway backward and forward upon a support; as, to rock in a rocking-chair.

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