"Retrogression" is a word in ENGLISH

retrogression ENGLISH

Backward development; a passing from a higher to a
lower state of organization or structure, as when an animal,
approaching maturity, becomes less highly organized than would be
expected from its earlier stages or known relationship. Called also
retrograde development, and regressive metamorphism.

retrogression ENGLISH

The act of retrograding, or going backward;

Few words of positivity

Convert your knowledge into product

Sunday Adelaja

Laugh your heart out.

What kind of fish is useful in freezing weather ? Skate !


A delicate funnel-like membrane around the flagellum of certain Infusoria. See Illust. a of Protozoa.

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kamang-kamang HILIGAYNON

kamáng-kámang - Dim. of kámang. To creep, crawl, jog along.

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kapé - (Sp. café) Coffee.

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inexorability ENGLISH

The quality of being inexorable, or unyielding to entreaty.

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phalanx ENGLISH

A group or bundle of stamens, as in polyadelphous flowers.

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hunterian ENGLISH

Discovered or described by John Hunter, an English surgeon; as, the Hunterian chancre. See Chancre.

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A lantern having a lamp surrounded by a hollow cylindrical Fresnel lens.

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pecten ENGLISH
simasima CEBUANO

simàsimà = simùsimù.

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olibene ENGLISH

A colorless mobile liquid of a pleasant aromatic odor obtained by the distillation of olibanum, or frankincense, and regarded as …

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sanghiran HILIGAYNON

sanghíran - (H) Touchstone; examination, proof, test, trial, ordeal.

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To attend the levee or levees of.

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roller ENGLISH

One of series of long, heavy waves which roll in upon a coast, sometimes in calm weather.

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dunderpate ENGLISH

bulágnò - Blind in one eye, wanting—, lacking—, an eye, one-eyed. (cf. bulág).

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confinity ENGLISH

Community of limits; contiguity.

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Ingratitude LAW AND LEGAL

In Roman law, in-gratitude was accounted a sufficient cause for revoking a gift or recalling the liberty of a freedman. …

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salibagyaw CEBUANO

salibagyaw a {1} annoyingly noisy. Gustu tà kung mutuun, piru salibagyaw ka kaáyu dihà, I would like to study, but …

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