"Reticular" is a word in ENGLISH

reticular ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a reticulum.

reticular ENGLISH

Having the form of a net, or of network; formed with
interstices; retiform; as, reticular cartilage; a reticular leaf.

Few words of positivity

Lorne finally said, Do the Blues Brothers thing. The response was amazing. People went nuts.

Steve Cropper

Laugh your heart out.

An agriculture student said to a farmer: "Your methods are too old fashioned. I won't be surprised if this tree will give you less than twenty pounds of apples.""I won't be surprised either," said the farmer, "this is an orange tree".

karyomiton ENGLISH

The reticular network of fine fibers, of which the nucleus of a cell is in part composed; -- in opposition …

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reticularly ENGLISH

In a reticular manner.

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retiform ENGLISH

Composed of crossing lines and interstices; reticular; netlike; as, the retiform coat of the eye.

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