"Responsibility" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL, ENGLISH

Responsibility LAW AND LEGAL

The obligation to answer for an act done, and to repair any in-jury lt may have caused

responsibility ENGLISH

Ability to answer in payment; means of paying.

responsibility ENGLISH

The state of being responsible, accountable, or
answerable, as for a trust, debt, or obligation.

responsibility ENGLISH

That for which anyone is responsible or
accountable; as, the resonsibilities of power.

Few words of positivity

She said that in writing anything, you must be perfectly honest.

Lesley Choyce, The Book of Michael

Laugh your heart out.

Dad: Don't be selfish. Let your brother use the sled half the time.Son: I do, Dad. I use it going down the hill and he gets to use it coming up!

absolve ENGLISH

To set free, or release, as from some obligation, debt, or responsibility, or from the consequences of guilt or such …

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acceptilation ENGLISH

Gratuitous discharge; a release from debt or obligation without payment; free remission.

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Accessory Obligation LAW AND LEGAL

In the civil law. An obligation which is incident to another or principal obligation; the obli-gation of a surety. Poth. …

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accommodate ENGLISH

To furnish with something desired, needed, or convenient; to favor; to oblige; as, to accommodate a friend with a loan …

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accommodating ENGLISH

Affording, or disposed to afford, accommodation; obliging; as an accommodating man, spirit, arrangement.

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acknowledge ENGLISH

To own with gratitude or as a benefit or an obligation; as, to acknowledge a favor, the receipt of a …

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acquit ENGLISH

To set free, release or discharge from an obligation, duty, liability, burden, or from an accusation or charge; -- now …

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To release, absolve, or dis-charge one from an obligation or a liability; or to legally certify the lnnocence of one …

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acquittal ENGLISH

The act of acquitting; discharge from debt or obligation; acquittance.

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In contracts. A release, absolution, or discharge from an obligation, liability, or engagement

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acquittance ENGLISH

The clearing off of debt or obligation; a release or discharge from debt or other liability.

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Acquittance LAW AND LEGAL

In contracts. A writ-ten discharge, whereby one ls freed from an obligation to pay money or perform a duty. It …

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Ad Factum Priestandum LAW AND LEGAL

In Scotch law. A name descriptive of a class of obligations marked by unusual severity. A debtor who is under …

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In Scotch law. The name of a form of action by which the mutual obligation of marriage may be enforced …

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Affiliation LAW AND LEGAL

The fixing any one with the paternity of a bastard child, and the obligation to maintain it

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A concord of understand-ing and Intention, between two or more par-ties, with respect to the effect upon their relative rights …

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ahát - Compelled, constrained, forced, obliged, against one’s will, nolens volens; sudden, premature. (cf. pílit).

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v. /AG-:-EN/ to take charge of, be in charge of, be responsible for, take the obligation of. Isu ti nagakem …

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alayun CEBUANO

aláyun n group of people who work together on jobs on a more or less permanent basis. The person for …

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allegiance ENGLISH

The tie or obligation, implied or expressed, which a subject owes to his sovereign or government; the duty of fidelity …

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