"Resoluble" is a word in ENGLISH

resoluble ENGLISH

Admitting of being resolved; resolvable; as, bodies
resoluble by fire.

Few words of positivity

Suddenly Damask found herself staring down at the flowers through a dazzle of tears. The words sounded so innocent and so disarming - she remembered that she hadn't wanted to come through the beautiful woods at all; and there was no danger, nothing wrong except the wickedness of her own heart. She looked at Danny's big, brown, work-scarred hands gently gathering the flowers and her love for him was a physical pain. Oh, how she loved him; how she wished that he would ask her to marry him!"Norah Lofts

Norah Lofts, Afternoon of an Autocrat

Laugh your heart out.

Why don't bananas snore? Because they don't want to wake up the rest of the bunch.

resolvable ENGLISH

Admitting of being resolved; admitting separation into constituent parts, or reduction to first principles; admitting solution or explanation; as, resolvable …

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solvable ENGLISH

Susceptible of being solved, resolved, or explained; admitting of solution.

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