"Reprobating" is a word in ENGLISH

reprobating ENGLISH

of Reprobate

Few words of positivity

What was any art but a mould in which to imprison for a moment the shining elusive element which is life itself - life hurrying past us and running away, too strong to stop, too sweet to lose.

Willa Cather

Laugh your heart out.

Doctor, doctor, should I surf the Internet on an empty stomach?No, you should do it on a computer.

In Scotch law. To approve and reject; to take advantage of one part, and reject the rest Bell. Equity suffers …

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castaway ENGLISH

One who is ruined; one who has made moral shipwreck; a reprobate.

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A person who is indicted for a criminal offense, but not yet convicted. It is not, however, a technical term …

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dualism ENGLISH

The doctrine that all mankind are divided by the arbitrary decree of God, and in his eternal foreknowledge, into two …

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exposure ENGLISH

The act of exposing or laying open, setting forth, laying bare of protection, depriving of care or concealment, or setting …

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reprobate ENGLISH

One morally abandoned and lost.

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reprobate ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to one who is given up to wickedness; as, reprobate conduct.

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reprobate ENGLISH

Abandoned to punishment; hence, morally abandoned and lost; given up to vice; depraved.

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reprobate ENGLISH

To disapprove with detestation or marks of extreme dislike; to condemn as unworthy; to disallow; to reject.

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reprobate ENGLISH

To abandon to punishment without hope of pardon.

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reprobate ENGLISH

Not enduring proof or trial; not of standard purity or fineness; disallowed; rejected.

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reprobateness ENGLISH

The state of being reprobate.

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reprobater ENGLISH

One who reprobates.

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reprobation ENGLISH

The predestination of a certain number of the human race as reprobates, or objects of condemnation and punishment.

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reprobation ENGLISH

The act of reprobating; the state of being reprobated; strong disapproval or censure.

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Reprobation LAW AND LEGAL

In ecclesiastical law. The interposition of objections or exceptions; as, to the competency of witnesses, to the due execution of …

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reprobationer ENGLISH

One who believes in reprobation. See Reprobation, 2.

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