"Replum" is a word in ENGLISH

replum ENGLISH

The framework of some pods, as the cress, which remains
after the valves drop off.

Few words of positivity

I've been in the water so much these past few days, I swear I'm growing fins & scales.

April Mae Monterrosa

Laugh your heart out.

Your momma is so fat that her measurements are 26-34-28, and her other arm is just as big!


andámio - (Sp. andamio) Gangplank, gangway, gangboard, a narrow framework or platform for the passage of vehicles and pedestrians; scaffold; …

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armasón - (Sp. armazon) Mounting, frame, framework, skeleton; hull, hulk (of a ship).

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balangkas TAGALOG

balangkas Definition: (noun) framework 2 Definition: Notes: Examples:

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balay n {1} house. alampuánan house of worship. sa lawàlawà spiderweb. sa ligwan, putyúkan beehive, hornets nest. lungsud city hall. …

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bedstead ENGLISH

A framework for supporting a bed.

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blindage ENGLISH

A cover or protection for an advanced trench or approach, formed of fascines and earth supported by a framework.

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Fig.: The framework of anything.

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The framework or skeleton upon which a regiment is to be formed; the officers of a regiment forming the staff.

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An outer framework of timber, inclosing something within it; as, the cage of a staircase.

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cancer ENGLISH

Formerly, any malignant growth, esp. one attended with great pain and ulceration, with cachexia and progressive emaciation. It was so …

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casing ENGLISH

An inclosing frame; esp. the framework around a door or a window. See Case, n., 4.

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cellulose ENGLISH

The substance which constitutes the essential part of the solid framework of plants, of ordinary wood, linen, paper, etc. It …

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A framework, trough, or tube, upon or through which objects are made to slide from a higher to a lower …

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cirrhosis ENGLISH

A disease of the liver in which it usually becomes smaller in size and more dense and fibrous in consistence; …

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The waxen framework forming the walls of the cells in which bees store their honey, eggs, etc.; honeycomb.

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contignation ENGLISH

A framework or fabric, as of beams.

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cradle ENGLISH

A framework of timbers, or iron bars, moving upon ways or rollers, used to support, lift, or carry ships or …

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cradling ENGLISH

The framework in arched or coved ceilings to which the laths are nailed.

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A rectangular frame, with a tightening screw, used for compressing the joints of framework, etc.

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cribbing ENGLISH

A framework of timbers and plank backing for a shaft lining, to prevent caving, percolation of water, etc.

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