"Remissful" is a word in ENGLISH

remissful ENGLISH

Inclined to remit punishment; lenient; clement.

Few words of positivity

The past is only making you to spill tears, tears of joy or tears pain. But anyway they are making you sad, for the things you had and will never have again.


Laugh your heart out.

Q: What did the Egyptian man say to the Egyptian woman? A: "Come behind the pyramid, and I'll make you a mummy!"


A contrivance for fastening the wheel of a vehicle, to prevent it from turning in going down a hill.

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overzeal ENGLISH
akumpaniyar CEBUANO

akumpaniyar v [A; b] {1} accompany s. o. in music. Akumpa-nyahi aku sa ímung sista, Accompany me with your guitar. …

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broadbrim ENGLISH

A member of the society of Friends; a Quaker.

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determent ENGLISH

The act of deterring; also, that which deters.

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honorific ENGLISH

Conferring honor; tending to honor.

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hostler ENGLISH

The person who has the care of horses at an inn or stable; hence, any one who takes care of …

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tetradecane ENGLISH

A light oily hydrocarbon, C14H30, of the marsh-gas series; -- so called from the fourteen carbon atoms in the molecule.

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buttot ILOKANO

n. a person who is excused from doing manual work or house chores. --syn. SENIORITO, SENIORITA.

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monander ENGLISH

One of the Monandria.

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lacertilian ENGLISH

Same as Lacertian.

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panniered ENGLISH

Bearing panniers.

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L. Fr. Out; out of; without

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untraveled ENGLISH

Not traveled; not trodden by passengers; as, an untraveled forest.

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chinchona ENGLISH

Alt. of Chincona

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jewelry ENGLISH

Jewels, collectively; as, a bride's jewelry.

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urbicolous ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a city; urban.

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amblotic ENGLISH

Tending to cause abortion.

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disbelieve ENGLISH

Not to believe; to refuse belief or credence to; to hold not to be true or actual.

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