"Remising" is a word in ENGLISH

remising ENGLISH

of Remise

Few words of positivity

There is no gainsaying the fact that this suggested program will strike most people as impossibly “radical” and “unrealistic”; any suggestion for changing the status quo, no matter how slight, can always be considered by someone as too radical, so that the only thoroughgoing escape from the charge of impracticality is never to advocate any change whatever in existing conditions. But to take this approach is to abandon human reason, and to drift in animal- or plant-like manner with the tide of events.

Murray N. Rothbard, The Case for the 100 Percent Gold Dollar

Laugh your heart out.

The big game hunter was showing his friends his hunting trophies. Drawing their attention to a lion skin rug on the floor he said, "I shot this fellow in Africa. Didn't want to kill such a magnificent beast, of course, but it was either him or me." "Well," said a guest, "he certainly makes a much better rug than you would!"

remise ENGLISH

To send, give, or grant back; to release a claim to; to resign or surrender by deed; to return.

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remise ENGLISH

A giving or granting back; surrender; return; release, as of a claim.

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To remit or give up. A form-al word in deeds of release and quitclaim; the usual phrase being “remise, release, …

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Remise De La Dettb LAW AND LEGAL

In French law. The release of a debt

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