"Rejudge" is a word in ENGLISH

rejudge ENGLISH

To judge again; to reexamine; to review; to call to a
new trial and decision.

Few words of positivity

One of the best aspects of health care reform is it starts to emphasize prevention.

Anne Wojcicki

Laugh your heart out.

Knock KnockWho's there !Albee !Albee !Albee a monkey's uncle !


The destruction, abrogation, or extinguishment of anything; also the leave given by the sovereign or judges to a criminal accuser …

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absolution ENGLISH

An acquittal, or sentence of a judge declaring and accused person innocent.

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absuélto - (Sp. absuelto) Absolved, acquitted, declared free. Also used as a verb. Ginabsueltohán siá sang hukóm. He was acquitted …

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account ENGLISH

To value, estimate, or hold in opinion; to judge or consider; to deem.

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acrisy ENGLISH

Inability to judge.

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Acts Of Sederunt LAW AND LEGAL

In Scotch law. ordinances for regulating the forms of pro-ceeding, before the court of session, in the administration of Justice, …

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Adelantado LAW AND LEGAL

In Spanish law. A governor of a province; a president or presi-dent judge; a judge having jurisdiction over a kingdom, …

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Adjourned Summons LAW AND LEGAL

A summons taken out ln the chambers of a judge, aud afterwards taken into court to be argued by counsel

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adjudge ENGLISH

To regard or hold; to judge; to deem.

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Additional Judges sometimes appointed in the English high court of delegates. See Shelf. Lun. 310

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Admissible LAW AND LEGAL

Proper to be received. As applied to evidence, the term means that it Is of such a character that the …

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Admonition LAW AND LEGAL

In ecclesiastical law, this is the lightest form of punishment, con-slstlng in a reprimand and warning adinin-lstered by the judge …

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Adsessores LAW AND LEGAL

Side judges. Assist-ants or advisers of the regular magistrates, or appointed as their substitutes ln certain cases. Calvin

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Adverse Party LAW AND LEGAL

An “adverse par-ty” entitled to notice of appeal is every par-ty whose interest in relation to the judg-ment or decree …

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Affirmance LAW AND LEGAL

In practice. The con-firming, or ratifying a former law, or Judg-ment. Cowell; Blount

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Affirmance Day General LAW AND LEGAL

In the English court of exchequer, is a day appointed by the judges of the common pleas, and barons of …

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alcalde ENGLISH

A magistrate or judge in Spain and in Spanish America, etc.

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algwasíl - (Sp. alguacil) Sheriff, bumbailiff, bailiff, under-bailiff, any other judiciary official below a judge; an armed patrol or guard.

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allege ENGLISH

To cite or quote; as, to allege the authority of a judge.

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allocatur ENGLISH

\"Allowed.\" The word allocatur expresses the allowance of a proceeding, writ, order, etc., by a court, judge, or judicial officer.

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