"Rejection" is a word in ENGLISH

rejection ENGLISH

Act of rejecting, or state of being rejected.

Few words of positivity

Mark to yourself the gradual way in which you have been prepared for, and are now led by an irresistible necessity to enter upon your great labour.

William Makepeace Thackeray, The Book of Snobs

Laugh your heart out.

If you crossed a cow with Michael Jackson, what song would you get? "Beeflt!"

Conseil De Famille LAW AND LEGAL

In French law. A family council. Certain acts require the sanction of this body. For example, a guardian can neither …

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disallowance ENGLISH

The act of disallowing; refusal to admit or permit; rejection.

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disavowal ENGLISH

The act of disavowing, disclaiming, or disowning; rejection and denial.

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disdain ENGLISH

To reject as unworthy of one's self, or as not deserving one's notice; to look with scorn upon; to scorn, …

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Elimination LAW AND LEGAL

In old English law. The act of banishing or turning out of doors; rejection

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exclusion ENGLISH

The act of excluding, or of shutting out, whether by thrusting out or by preventing admission; a debarring; rejection; prohibition; …

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rejectment ENGLISH

Act of rejecting; matter rejected, or thrown away.

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To reject; cast ofT; re-pudiate; disclaim; forsake j abandon ; divest one's self of a right, power, or privilege. Usually …

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renouncement ENGLISH

The act of disclaiming or rejecting; renunciation.

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