"Rehabere Facias Seisinam" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Rehabere Facias Seisinam LAW AND LEGAL

when a sheriff in the “habere facias sei-sinam" had delivered seisin of more than he ought, this judicial writ lay to make him re-store seisin of the excess. Reg. Jud. 18, 51, 54.

Few words of positivity

I was like, Am I gay? Am I straight? And I realized...I'm just slutty. Where's my parade?

Margaret Cho

Laugh your heart out.

How could the dolphin afford to buy a house ?He prawned everything !

offset ENGLISH

To form an offset in, as in a wall, rod, pipe, etc.

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kúpus - To shrivel, contract, lessen, dwindle, go down, grow-less,—small,— smaller. Nagkúpus na ang hubág mo? Has your swelling (boil) …

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galing TAGALOG

galing Definition: see galing1 see galing2

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kadtan, kadton HILIGAYNON

kádtan, kádton - Passive forms of kagát.

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pansophy ENGLISH

Universal wisdom; esp., a system of universal knowledge proposed by Comenius (1592 -- 1671), a Moravian educator.

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To make progress against the wind, by sailing in a zigzag line or traverse.

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looseness ENGLISH

The state, condition, or quality, of being loose; as, the looseness of a cord; looseness of style; looseness of morals …

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sulinga CEBUANO

sulínga v [AN; c1] {1} look askance with contempt or anger. Nasukù tu siya nímung nanulínga man? Why did she …

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gorgon ENGLISH

Like a Gorgon; very ugly or terrific; as, a Gorgon face.

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graphicness ENGLISH

Alt. of Graphicalness

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nosocomial ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a hospital; as, nosocomial atmosphere.

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Homine Replegiando LAW AND LEGAL

In English law. A writ which lay to replevy a man out of prison, or out of the custody of …

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proverbial ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to proverbs; resembling a proverb.

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zygobranchia ENGLISH

A division of marine gastropods in which the gills are developed on both sides of the body and the renal …

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annelidous ENGLISH

Of the nature of an annelid.

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makasasala HILIGAYNON

makasasálà - Sinful, sinner, wicked, evildoer, delinquent, offender, transgressor, guilty, prevaricator, wrong-doer. (cf. salâ).

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defeasance ENGLISH

A rendering null or void.

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