"Regulative" is a word in ENGLISH

regulative ENGLISH

Necessarily assumed by the mind as fundamental to all
other knowledge; furnishing fundamental principles; as, the regulative
principles, or principles a priori; the regulative faculty.

regulative ENGLISH

Tending to regulate; regulating.

Few words of positivity

We shouldn’t use God for our purpose alone but also be instruments of the extension of His Kingdom

Sunday Adelaja

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What happens when a blonde gets Alzheimers disease?A: Her IQ goes up!


Fig.: The fundamental or essential part of a thing; the essential principle; a groundwork.

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The ground work the first or fundamental principle; that which supports.

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A name given to pro-posed systems of life or social organization based upon the fundamental principle of the non-existence of …

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constitution ENGLISH

The fundamental, organic law or principles of government of men, embodied in written documents, or implied in the institutions and …

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dignity ENGLISH

Fundamental principle; axiom; maxim.

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element ENGLISH

One of the simplest or essential parts or principles of which anything consists, or upon which the constitution or fundamental …

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element ENGLISH

The simplest or fundamental principles of any system in philosophy, science, or art; rudiments; as, the elements of geometry, or …

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Fundamental principle; basis; plan; -- used only in the singular.

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fundamental ENGLISH

A leading or primary principle, rule, law, or article, which serves as the groundwork of a system; essential part, as, …

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fundamental ENGLISH

Pertaining to the foundation or basis; serving for the foundation. Hence: Essential, as an element, principle, or law; important; original; …

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groundwork ENGLISH

That which forms the foundation or support of anything; the basis; the essential or fundamental part; first principle.

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rights. A formal and emphatic leg-islative assertion and declaration of popular rights and liberties usually promulgated upon a change of …

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palatukuran HILIGAYNON

palatukurán - Principles, constitution, rules, foundation, fundamental laws, maxims, postulates. (cf. túkud, palatúkdan, palatukán).

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physicist ENGLISH

A believer in the theory that the fundamental phenomena of life are to be explained upon purely chemical and physical …

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principia ENGLISH

First principles; fundamental beginnings; elements; as. Newton's Principia.

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principle ENGLISH

A fundamental truth; a comprehensive law or doctrine, from which others are derived, or on which others are founded; a …

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principle ENGLISH

A source, or origin; that from which anything proceeds; fundamental substance or energy; primordial substance; ultimate element, or cause.

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Principles LAW AND LEGAL

Fundamental truths or doctrines of iaw; comprehensive rules or doctrines which furnish a basis or origin for others; settled rules …

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radical ENGLISH

Hence: Of or pertaining to the root or origin; reaching to the center, to the foundation, to the ultimate sources, …

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standpoint ENGLISH

A fixed point or station; a basis or fundamental principle; a position from which objects or principles are viewed, and …

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