"Reformed" is a word in ENGLISH

reformed ENGLISH

Corrected; amended; restored to purity or excellence;
said, specifically, of the whole body of Protestant churches
originating in the Reformation. Also, in a more restricted sense, of
those who separated from Luther on the doctrine of consubstantiation,
etc., and carried the Reformation, as they claimed, to a higher point.
The Protestant churches founded by them in Switzerland, France,
Holland, and part of Germany, were called the Reformed churches.

reformed ENGLISH

Amended in character and life; as, a reformed gambler or

reformed ENGLISH

Retained in service on half or full pay after the
disbandment of the company or troop; -- said of an officer.

Few words of positivity

People say they miss the deceased. I missed my father and my mother when they were still fully alive. They travelled through my childhood in the same way they moved around the hotel: my mother industrious, hurried, hidden; my father drunk, flamboyant, alone.

Sylvia Kristel, Undressing Emmanuelle: A Life Stripped Bare

Laugh your heart out.

Why should you use six hooks on your fishing line? eFISHancy!

a cappella ENGLISH

In church or chapel style; -- said of compositions sung in the old church style, without instrumental accompaniment; as, a …

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alapláag - (H) To disperse, spread, separate, (said of crowds, clouds, smoke, etc.). Ang asó nagaalapláag. The smoke is dispersing. …

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anniversary ENGLISH

The day on which Mass is said yearly for the soul of a deceased person; the commemoration of some sacred …

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appendant ENGLISH

Appended by prescription, that is, a personal usage for a considerable time; -- said of a thing of inheritance belonging …

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To publish in church for marriage; -- said of both the banns and the persons.

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banhà {1} noisy in a loud way. {2} exclamation telling s. o. to shut up or to stop making noise. …

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Collegiate Church LAW AND LEGAL

In English ecclesiastical law. A church built and endowed for a society or body corporate of a dean or other …

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complin ENGLISH

The last division of the Roman Catholic breviary; the seventh and last of the canonical hours of the Western church; …

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dágiaw - To work—, help in work— without wages,—for nothing,—without pay,—voluntarily,—gratuitously. Nagadágiaw silá sa pagpatíndog sang ermíta. They are working …

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emeritus ENGLISH

Honorably discharged from the performance of public duty on account of age, infirmity, or long and faithful services; -- said …

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facade ENGLISH

The front of a building; esp., the principal front, having some architectural pretensions. Thus a church is said to have …

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gloria ENGLISH

A doxology (beginning Gloria Patri, Glory be to the Father), sung or said at the end of the Psalms in …

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heterodox ENGLISH

Contrary to, or differing from, some acknowledged standard, as the Bible, the creed of a church, the decree of a …

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kútò - To increase, add, augment, swell; be crowded, packed, squeezed together. Nagakútò lang ang mga táo sa simbáhan. The …

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mísa n mass in the church. diaginaldu, digalyu nine consec-utive dawn masses ending on Christmas Eve. digrasya thanks-giving mass. ditris …

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plagal ENGLISH

Having a scale running from the dominant to its octave; -- said of certain old church modes or tunes, as …

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simba v [A; b] {1} go to attend church services. Musimba ku ugmà, I will attend church services tomorrow. {2} …

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urasanta CEBUANO

urasanta n Holy Hour devotion, a one-hour devotion o? ered to the Sacred Heart of Jesus led by a priest …

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venite ENGLISH

The 95th Psalm, which is said or sung regularly in the public worship of many churches. Also, a musical composition …

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An annual parish festival formerly held in commemoration of the dedication of a church. Originally, prayers were said on the …

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