"Redressless" is a word in ENGLISH

redressless ENGLISH

Not having redress; such as can not be redressed;

Few words of positivity

And I find a happiness in the fact of accepting —In the sublimely scientific and difficult fact of accepting the inevitable natural.

Alberto Caeiro, The Collected Poems of Alberto Caeiro

Laugh your heart out.

Q: How does a blonde kill a fish?A: She drowns it.


In the civil and com-mon law. An- action for a thing; an action for the recovery of a thing possessed …

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action ENGLISH

A suit or process, by which a demand is made of a right in a court of justice; in a …

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Adjecttve Law LAW AND LEGAL

The aggregate of rules of procedure or practlce. As opposed to that body of law which the courts are es-tablished …

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In old French law. -A list of grievances prepared for deputies in the states-general. A petition for the redress of …

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Court Of Honor LAW AND LEGAL

A court having Ju-risdiction to hear and redress injuries or affronts to a man’s honor or personal dignity, of a …

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Damnum Absque Injuria LAW AND LEGAL

Loss, hurt, or harm without injury in the legal sense, that is, withont such an invasion of rights as is …

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distress ENGLISH

The act of distraining; the taking of a personal chattel out of the possession of a wrongdoer, by way of …

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expostulate ENGLISH

To reason earnestly with a person on some impropriety of his conduct, representing the wrong he has done or intends, …

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Injunction LAW AND LEGAL

A prohibltlve writ is-sued by a court of equity, at the suit of a party complainant, directed to a party …

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irremediable ENGLISH

Not to be remedied, corrected, or redressed; incurable; as, an irremediable disease or evil.

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kitíkot - To grumble, croak, clamour, mutter, growl, murmur, complain in the hope of getting redress. Ginkitíkot níya ang ákon …

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The form or mode of pro-ceeding in courts of justice for the enforce-ment of rights or the redress of wrongs, …

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Proceeding LAW AND LEGAL

In a general sense, the form and manner of conducting juridical business before a court or judlclal ofiicer; regular and …

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prosecute ENGLISH

To pursue with the intention of punishing; to accuse of some crime or breach of law, or to pursue for …

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prosecution ENGLISH

The institution and carrying on of a suit in a court of law or equity, to obtain some right, or …

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provocation ENGLISH

Such prior insult or injury as may be supposed, under the circumstances, to create hot blood, and to excuse an …

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redress ENGLISH

The act of redressing; a making right; reformation; correction; amendment.

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redress ENGLISH

One who, or that which, gives relief; a redresser.

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redress ENGLISH

To put in order again; to set right; to emend; to revise.

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redress ENGLISH

To set right, as a wrong; to repair, as an injury; to make amends for; to remedy; to relieve from.

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