"Redrawn" is a word in ENGLISH

redrawn ENGLISH

of Redraw

Few words of positivity

Anything to declare? the customs inspector said."Two pound of uncut heroin and a manual of pornographic art," Mark answered, looking about for Kity. All Americans are comedians, the inspector thought, as he passed Parker through. A government tourist hostess approached him."Are you Mr. Mark Parker?""Guilty.

Leon Uris, Exodus

Laugh your heart out.

All our pigs are learning karate. Oh, I don't believe that No? Well, just watch out for their chops.

redraw ENGLISH

To draw again; to make a second draft or copy of; to redraft.

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redraw ENGLISH

To draw a new bill of exchange, as the holder of a protested bill, on the drawer or indorsers.

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