"Redcap" is a word in ENGLISH

redcap ENGLISH

A specter having long teeth, popularly supposed to haunt
old castles in Scotland.

redcap ENGLISH

The European goldfinch.

Few words of positivity

Writing is a solitary occupation.

Bernard Cornwell

Laugh your heart out.

Student: "Would it be possible to install Arabic language support on those computers?" Computer Teacher: "In order to use Arabic language in Windows, you must install an Arabic graphic card. So I don't think we could do that."

al-alia ILOKANO

n. ghost, specter, apparition; spirit. v. /MANG-:-EN/ to haunt or visit, as a ghost; to play ghost on. Sino ti …

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alingaas ILOKANO

n. a kind of ghost or specter.

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apparition ENGLISH

An unexpected, wonderful, or preternatural appearance; a ghost; a specter; a phantom.

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A goblin; a specter; a frightful phantom; a bogy; a bugbear.

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A specter; a hobgoblin; a bugbear.

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bugbear ENGLISH

Something frightful, as a specter; anything imaginary that causes needless fright; something used to excite needless fear; also, something really …

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empuse ENGLISH

A phantom or specter.

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The disembodied soul; the soul or spirit of a deceased person; a spirit appearing after death; an apparition; a specter.

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grisly ENGLISH

Frightful; horrible; dreadful; harsh; as, grisly locks; a grisly specter.

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To inhabit or frequent as a specter; to visit as a ghost or apparition.

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lemures ENGLISH

Spirits or ghosts of the departed; specters.

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phantom ENGLISH

That which has only an apparent existence; an apparition; a specter; a phantasm; a sprite; an airy spirit; an ideal …

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rawhead ENGLISH

A specter mentioned to frighten children; as, rawhead and bloodybones.

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specter ENGLISH
spectral ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to a specter; ghosty.

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spectrally ENGLISH

In the form or manner of a specter.

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spectre ENGLISH
spectrum ENGLISH

An apparition; a specter.

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spirit ENGLISH

Any supernatural being, good or bad; an apparition; a specter; a ghost; also, sometimes, a sprite,; a fairy; an elf.

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vision ENGLISH

Especially, that which is seen otherwise than by the ordinary sight, or the rational eye; a supernatural, prophetic, or imaginary …

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