"Recuperator" is a word in ENGLISH

recuperator ENGLISH

Same as Regenerator.

Few words of positivity

To make a man happy fill his hands with work.

Frederick E. Crane

Laugh your heart out.

There was this man who was in a horrible accident, and was injured. But the only permanent damage he suffered was the amputation of both of his ears. As a result of this 'unusual' handicap, he was very self-conscious about his having no ears. Because of the accident, he received a large sum of money from the insurance company. It was always his dream to own his own business, so he decided with all this money he had, he now had the means to own a business. So he went out and purchased a small, but expanding computer firm. But he realized that he had no business knowledge at all, so he decided that he would have to hire someone to run the business. He picked out three top candidates, and interviewed each of them. The first interview went really well. He really liked this guy. His last question for this first candidate was, 'Do you notice anything unusual about me?' The guy s aid, 'Now that you mention it, you have no ears.' The man got really upset and threw the guy out. The second interview went even better than the first. This candidate was much better than the first. Again, to conclude the interview, the man asked the same question again, 'Do you notice anything unusual about me?' This guy also noticed, 'Yes, you have no ears.' The man was really upset again, and threw this second candidate out. Then he had the third interview.. The third candidate was even better than the second, the best out of all of them. Almost certain that he wanted to hire this guy, the man once again asked, 'Do you notice anything unusual about me?' The guy replied 'Yeah, you're wearing contact lenses.' Surprised, the man then asked, 'Wow! That's quite perceptive of you! How could you tell?' The guy burst out laughing and said, 'Well, You can't wear glasses if you d on't have any ears!'

palingenesy ENGLISH

A new birth; a re-creation; a regeneration; a continued existence in different manner or form.

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regeneracy ENGLISH

The state of being regenerated.

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regenerate ENGLISH

Hence, to make a radical change for the better in the character or condition of; as, to regenerate society.

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regenerate ENGLISH

To generate or produce anew; to reproduce; to give new life, strength, or vigor to.

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regenerate ENGLISH

Born anew; become Christian; renovated in heart; changed from a natural to a spiritual state.

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regenerate ENGLISH

To cause to be spiritually born anew; to cause to become a Christian; to convert from sin to holiness; to …

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The quality or state of being rgenerate.

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regeneration ENGLISH

The act of regenerating, or the state of being regenerated.

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regeneration ENGLISH

The union of parts which have been severed, so that they become anatomically perfect; as, the regeneration of a nerve.

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regeneration ENGLISH

The reproduction or renewal of tissues, cells, etc., which have been used up and destroyed by the ordinary processes of …

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regeneration ENGLISH

The entering into a new spiritual life; the act of becoming, or of being made, Christian; that change by which …

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regeneration ENGLISH

The reproduction of a part which has been removed or destroyed; re-formation; -- a process especially characteristic of a many …

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regenerative ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to regeneration; tending to regenerate; as, regenerative influences.

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So as to regenerate.

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regenerator ENGLISH

A device used in connection with hot-air engines, gas-burning furnaces, etc., in which the incoming air or gas is heated …

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regenerator ENGLISH

One who, or that which, regenerates.

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regeneratory ENGLISH

Having power to renew; tending to reproduce; regenerating.

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renate ENGLISH

Born again; regenerate; renewed.

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To make new spiritually; to regenerate.

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