"Recanter" is a word in ENGLISH

recanter ENGLISH

One who recants.

Few words of positivity

Diplomacy is the delicate weapon of the civilized warrior."- Hun, A. T.

Robert Lynn Asprin, Myth Conceptions

Laugh your heart out.

What does a cannibal call a skateboarder? Meals on wheels.

palinode ENGLISH

An ode recanting, or retracting, a former one; also, a repetition of an ode.

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recantation ENGLISH

The act of recanting; a declaration that contradicts a former one; that which is thus asserted in contradiction; retraction.

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relapse ENGLISH

One who has relapsed, or fallen back, into error; a backslider; specifically, one who, after recanting error, returns to it …

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swallow ENGLISH

To retract; to recant; as, to swallow one's opinions.

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