"Rebuttable Presumption" is a word in LAW AND LEGAL

Rebuttable Presumption LAW AND LEGAL

An assumption that is deemed fact unless rebutted by reliable conflicting evidence. When prima facie evidence is provided (clear on its face as to facts), it becomes a rebuttable presumption. Evidence. A presumption which is presumed valid but which is subject to conflicting evidence being presented which effectively rebuts or overturns the presumption.

In the law of evidence. A presumption which may be rebutted by evidence. Otherwise called a “disputable” presumption. A species of legal presumption which holds good until disproved.

Few words of positivity

You will never turn from a sin you don’t hate.

Jen Wilkin

Laugh your heart out.

Policeman: Why were you asleep at the wheel?Motorist: Your siren lulled me to sleep.


In the civU law of evidence. A throwing together. Presumption; the put-ting of things together, with the inference drawn therefrom

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conjecture ENGLISH

An opinion, or judgment, formed on defective or presumptive evidence; probable inference; surmise; guess; suspicion.

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discriminate ENGLISH

To make a difference or distinction; to distinguish accurately; as, in judging of evidence, we should be careful to discriminate …

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In criminal law. The act of one under accusation, who evades the law by voluntarily withdrawing hlmself. It is presumptive …

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Lat. Stronger. A term ap-plled, ln the latv of evidence, to that specles of presumption, arising from facts shown ln …

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presumption ENGLISH

That which is presumed or assumed; that which is supposed or believed to be real or true, on evidence that …

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presumption ENGLISH

Ground for presuming; evidence probable, but not conclusive; strong probability; reasonable supposition; as, the presumption is that an event has …

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presumption ENGLISH

The act of presuming, or believing upon probable evidence; the act of assuming or taking for granted; belief upon incomplete …

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presumptive ENGLISH

Based on presumption or probability; grounded on probable evidence; probable; as, presumptive proof.

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Presumptive LAW AND LEGAL

Resting on presurnp-tlon; created by or arising out of presump-tion; inferred; assumed; supposed; as, “pre-sumptlve" damages, evidence, heir, notice, or …

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probable ENGLISH

Rendering probable; supporting, or giving ground for, belief, but not demonstrating; as, probable evidence; probable presumption.

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In pleading and evidence. To rehut ls to defeat or take away the effect of something. Thus, when a plaintiff …

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Stable-Stand LAW AND LEGAL

In forest law. one of the four evidences or presumptions where-by a man was convicted of an intent to steal …

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