"Rayu" is a word in CEBUANO


ráyu íkis, rayuiks n x-ray.
pa- v [A1] get an x-ray.

Few words of positivity

God save me ere I have any babies. They are grabby, clingy creatures who steal your figure and always want a ribbon or a wooden sword. And who sometimes make you die bearing them.

J. Anderson Coats, The Wicked and the Just

Laugh your heart out.

What does a witch enjoy cooking most?Gnomelettes.

shellfish ENGLISH

Any aquatic animal whose external covering consists of a shell, either testaceous, as in oysters, clams, and other mollusks, or …

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colonization ENGLISH

The act of colonizing, or the state of being colonized; the formation of a colony or colonies.

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redbreast ENGLISH

The long-eared pondfish. See Pondfish.

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A thermometer specially constructed for measuring temperetures at a depth below the surface of the ground.

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question ENGLISH

To ask questions; to inquire.

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parietes ENGLISH

The sides of an ovary or of a capsule.

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brindled ENGLISH

Having dark streaks or spots on a gray or tawny ground; brinded.

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melodramatic ENGLISH

Of or pertaining to melodrama; like or suitable to a melodrama; unnatural in situation or action.

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unemployed ENGLISH

Not invested or used; as, unemployed capital.

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To pass within the limits of; to attain; to begin; to commence upon; as, to enter one's teens, a new …

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indurate ENGLISH

To make hard; as, extreme heat indurates clay; some fossils are indurated by exposure to the air.

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pakab-ang HILIGAYNON

pakáb-ang - To entrap, ensnare, involve, entangle.

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anglemeter ENGLISH

An instrument to measure angles, esp. one used by geologists to measure the dip of strata.

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De Homine Replegiando LAW AND LEGAL

(Lat. For replevying a man;) A writ which lies to replevy a man out of prison, or out of the …

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ákta - (Sp. acta) Records, documents, minute-book, written protest.

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horo-horo HILIGAYNON

horó-horó - To moan, sigh, etc. See holóholó id.

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In Scotch law. The part remaining over beyond the shares se-cured to the wldow and children by law. of this …

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