"Rationalistical" is a word in ENGLISH

rationalistical ENGLISH

Belonging to, or in accordance with, the
principles of rationalism.

Few words of positivity

Memories come back, pressing in on you, like ghost faces in the darkness pushing up the glass, trying to get into the lit room.

Julia Green

Laugh your heart out.

Why do beavers spend a fortune on the Internet?They never want to log off.

Fungible Things LAW AND LEGAL

Movable goods which may be estimated and replaced accord-ing to welght, measure, and number. Things belonging to a class, which …

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Nationality LAW AND LEGAL

That quality or charac-ter which arises from the fact of a person’s belonging to a nation or state. Nationality determines …

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natural ENGLISH

Fixed or determined by nature; pertaining to the constitution of a thing; belonging to native character; according to nature; essential; …

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The order or class to which a war vessel belongs, determined according to its size, armament, etc.; as, first rate, …

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rigla n {1} principle of almost established certainty. Mauy ílang rigla nga kun manggulà ang mga ípus, mag-ulan, As a …

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