"Raskolnik" is a word in ENGLISH

raskolnik ENGLISH

One of the separatists or dissenters from the
established or Greek church in Russia.

Few words of positivity

The superior man makes the difficulty to be overcome his first interest success only comes later.


Laugh your heart out.

For a weddin' present Ledbetter gave his son Amos two hundred dollars. Two weeks later he asked him, "W'atcha do with the money, son?" "Ah bought me a wristwatch, Pappy!" answered the boy. "Yew dumb ignoramous!" yelled his father. "Yew should 'av bought yoreself a rifle!" "A rifle? What fer?" "Suppos'n one day yew cum home and find some guy sleepin' wid yore wife," explained the older redneck. "W'atcha gonna do? Wake him up and ask him what time it is?"

separatist ENGLISH

One who withdraws or separates himself; especially, one who withdraws from a church to which he has belonged; a seceder …

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