"Raphany" is a word in ENGLISH

raphany ENGLISH

A convulsive disease, attended with ravenous hunger, not
uncommon in Sweden and Germany. It was so called because supposed to be
caused by eating corn with which seeds of jointed charlock (Raphanus
raphanistrum) had been mixed, but the condition is now known to be a
form of ergotism.

Few words of positivity

Sometimes when you're young, you have moments of such happiness, you think you're living on someplace magical, like Atlantis must have been. Then we grow up and our hearts break into two.

Stephen King, Hearts in Atlantis

Laugh your heart out.

Q: Why do Blondes wear padded shoulders?A: So they don't get a concussion while bobbing their from head side to side as they are saying "I don't know?" whenever you ask them a question.

Good against convulsions.

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antispasmodic ENGLISH

A medicine which prevents or allays spasms or convulsions.

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bugsot ILOKANO

/AG-/ to convulse, as when near death. Agbugbugsotakon dinak pay nga arayaten. I am already convulsing still you don’t come …

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A sensation of cold with convulsive shaking of the body, pinched face, pale skin, and blue lips, caused by undue …

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chorea ENGLISH

St. Vitus's dance; a disease attended with convulsive twitchings and other involuntary movements of the muscles or limbs.

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choreic ENGLISH

Of the nature of, or pertaining to, chorea; convulsive.

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clonic ENGLISH

Having an irregular, convulsive motion.

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coercion ENGLISH

The application to another of either physical or moral force. When the force is physical, and cannot be resisted, then …

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convulse ENGLISH

To contract violently and irregulary, as the muscular parts of an animal body; to shake with irregular spasms, as in …

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convulse ENGLISH

To agitate greatly; to shake violently.

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convulsion ENGLISH

Any violent and irregular motion or agitation; a violent shaking; a tumult; a commotion.

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convulsion ENGLISH

An unnatural, violent, and unvoluntary contraction of the muscular parts of an animal body.

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convulsional ENGLISH

Pertaining to, or having, convulsions; convulsionary.

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convulsionary ENGLISH

Pertaining to convulsion; convulsive.

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convulsionist ENGLISH

One who has convulsions; esp., one of a body of fanatics in France, early in the eighteenth century, who went …

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convulsive ENGLISH

Producing, or attended with, convulsions or spasms; characterized by convulsions; convulsionary.

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convulsively ENGLISH

in a convulsive manner.

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crispation ENGLISH

A very slight convulsive or spasmodic contraction of certain muscles, external or internal.

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