"Quotum" is a word in ENGLISH

quotum ENGLISH

Part or proportion; quota.

Few words of positivity

The word 'jihad' has nowhere been used in the Qur'an to mean war in the sense of launching an offensive. It is used rather to mean 'struggle'. the action most consistently called for in the Qur'an is the exercise of patience. (p. 7-8)

Maulana Wahiduddin Khan, The True Jihad: The Concept of Peace, Tolerance and Non Violence in Islam

Laugh your heart out.

Why did the chicken walk on the telephone wire? She wanted to lay it on the line!

abstract ENGLISH

A powdered solid extract of a vegetable substance mixed with sugar of milk in such proportion that one part of …

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asymmetry ENGLISH

Want of symmetry, or proportion between the parts of a thing, esp. want of bilateral symmetry.

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In the composition of chemical names bi- denotes two atoms, parts, or equivalents of that constituent to the name of …

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An alloy (usually yellow) of copper and zinc, in variable proportion, but often containing two parts of copper to one …

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A hundred; as, ten per cent, the proportion of ten parts in a hundred.

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Contribute LAW AND LEGAL

To supply a share or proportional part of money or projierty to-wards the prosecution of a common enter-prise or the …

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Deduction For New LAW AND LEGAL

In marine iu-surance. An allowance or drawback credlt-ed to the Insurers on the cost of repairing a vessel for damage …

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pi. DEUNGES. Lat. In the Roman law. A division of the as, containing eleven uneiae or duodecimal parts; the proportion …

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difform ENGLISH

Irregular in form; -- opposed to uniform; anomalous; hence, unlike; dissimilar; as, to difform corolla, the parts of which do …

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Not having due proportion to something else; not having proportion or symmetry of parts; unsuitable in form, quantity or value; …

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harmonious ENGLISH

Adapted to each other; having parts proportioned to each other; symmetrical.

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heterology ENGLISH

The absence of correspondence, or relation, in type of structure; lack of analogy between parts, owing to their being composed …

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hitsu a {1} complete, having all parts intact. Dílì bitsu ning baráha, This is not a complete deck of cards. …

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homolographic ENGLISH

Preserving the mutual relations of parts, especially as to size and form; maintaining relative proportion.

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isomeric ENGLISH

Having the same percentage composition; -- said of two or more different substances which contain the same ingredients in the …

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lampblack ENGLISH

The fine impalpable soot obtained from the smoke of carbonaceous substances which have been only partly burnt, as in the …

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The inner bark of plants, lying next to the wood. It usually contains a large proportion of woody, fibrous cells, …

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The proper relative position or adjustment of parts, not as to design or proportion, but with reference to smooth working; …

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Metayer System LAW AND LEGAL

A system of agricultural holdings, under which the land is divided, in small farms, among single families, the landlord generally …

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middlings ENGLISH

A combination of the coarser parts of ground wheat the finest bran, separated from the fine flour and coarse bran …

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