"Quipu" is a word in ENGLISH


A contrivance employed by the ancient Peruvians, Mexicans,
etc., as a substitute for writing and figures, consisting of a main
cord, from which hung at certain distances smaller cords of various
colors, each having a special meaning, as silver, gold, corn, soldiers.
etc. Single, double, and triple knots were tied in the smaller cords,
representing definite numbers. It was chiefly used for arithmetical
purposes, and to register important facts and events.

Few words of positivity

There was no arguing with a man's faith in the legends of his childhood.

Steven Saylor, Rogues

Laugh your heart out.

What is the strongest animal?A racehorse, because it can take hundreds of people for a ride at once!

Annexation LAW AND LEGAL

The act of attaching, adding, joining, or uniting one thing to another ; generally spoken of the connection of a …

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bugó - A large-sized kind of maize that requires a rather long time to ripen (hudyánan). The smaller kind (munáhan) …

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cassowary ENGLISH

A large bird, of the genus Casuarius, found in the east Indies. It is smaller and stouter than the ostrich. …

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chitterlings ENGLISH

The smaller intestines of swine, etc., fried for food.

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diótay - (H) A little, trifle, morsel, snack; small, little, tiny, wee, scant, meagre, bit, petty, diminutive, few; to diminish, …

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A constitutional disease, occurring by paroxysms. It consists in an inflammation of the fibrous and ligamentous parts of the joints, …

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graphoscope ENGLISH

An optical instrument for magnifying engravings, photographs, etc., usually having one large lens and two smaller ones.

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A weapon which throws or propels a missile to a distance; any firearm or instrument for throwing projectiles by the …

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ílis v {1} [A23C; ab1c] give s.t. in lieu of s.t. received. Kinsay muílis ug rilu áring ákung singsing, Who …

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líbug - A honey-making, fly-like insect, smaller than the bee, that makes its nest in stone-walls, trees, shrubs, etc.

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líntok - (H) The smaller, finer particles of rice chaff after pounding, bran, usually fed to pigs, etc. The larger …

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lumber ENGLISH

Timber sawed or split into the form of beams, joists, boards, planks, staves, hoops, etc.; esp., that which is smaller …

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Inferior in bulk, degree, importance, etc.; less; smaller; of little account; as, minor divisions of a body.

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Pungtuation LAW AND LEGAL

The dlvlslon of a writ-ten or printed document lnto sentences by means of perlods; and of sentences lnto smaller divisions …

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ra particle following the first word of a predicate. {1} only [predicate] and nothing else. Si Pidru ra ang mitábang …

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The alternate rising and falling of the waters of the ocean, and of bays, rivers, etc., connected therewith. The tide …

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tierce ENGLISH

A cask larger than a barrel, and smaller than a hogshead or a puncheon, in which salt provisions, rice, etc., …

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