"Quintile" is a word in ENGLISH

quintile ENGLISH

The aspect of planets when separated the fifth part of
the zodiac, or 72¡.

Few words of positivity

To expect too much is to have a sentimental view of life and this is a softness that ends in bitterness.

Flannery O'Connor

Laugh your heart out.

Democrat men like to watch football while the women fix holiday meals. On this, Republicans are in full agreement.

agitate ENGLISH

To revolve in the mind, or view in all its aspects; to contrive busily; to devise; to plot; as, politicians …

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Alio Intuitu LAW AND LEGAL

Lat. In a different vlew; under a different aspect 4 Rob. Adm. & Pr. 151

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angkin TAGALOG

angkin Active Verb: mag-angkin Passive Verb: angkinin Definition: 1) inborn, natural, having or possessing (adj) 2) to possess (usually used …

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appearance ENGLISH

Personal presence; exhibition of the person; look; aspect; mien.

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araneose ENGLISH

Of the aspect of a spider's web; arachnoid.

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aspect ENGLISH

Prospect; outlook.

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aspect ENGLISH

Appearance to the eye or the mind; look; view.

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aspect ENGLISH

The influence of the stars for good or evil; as, an ill aspect.

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aspect ENGLISH

The act of looking; vision; gaze; glance.

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aspect ENGLISH

The situation of planets or stars with respect to one another, or the angle formed by the rays of light …

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aspect ENGLISH

Look, or particular appearance of the face; countenance; mien; air.

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aspect ENGLISH

Position or situation with regard to seeing; that position which enables one to look in a particular direction; position in …

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aspect ENGLISH

To behold; to look at.

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View; object; possibility. Im-plies the existence of alternatives. Used in the phrases “bill with a double aspect” and “contingency with …

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aspectable ENGLISH

Capable of being; visible.

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aspectant ENGLISH

Facing each other.

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aspected ENGLISH

Having an aspect.

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aspection ENGLISH

The act of viewing; a look.

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astrologer ENGLISH

One who practices astrology; one who professes to foretell events by the aspects and situation of the stars.

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astrology ENGLISH

In its etymological signification, the science of the stars; among the ancients, synonymous with astronomy; subsequently, the art of judging …

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