"Quinquangular" is a word in ENGLISH

quinquangular ENGLISH

Having five angles or corners.

Few words of positivity

We thought everything would be forgotten, but I still remember yourclaws running down my back.I wonder if you still think about us,the way I do.How our legs would crash into each other in the middle of the night, and how we endedup creating the moon in the confines of our beds.

Zaeema J. Hussain, The Sky Is Purple

Laugh your heart out.

A guy walks into a laundry run by cats. "Excuse me", he said tothe cat in charge, "Can you get milk stains out?" "Sure," repliedthe cat. "We'll have that stain licked in a minute!"


abáno - (Sp. habano) A cigar, especially one made by machinery, and sold by tobacconists (in contradistinction to the piokós—a …

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abay v {1} [AC; b6] move along together with s.t. moving. Lagmit hiligsan ang bátà kay nag-abay sa tartanilya, The …

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abirids CEBUANO

abirids n {1} average, the usual size or quantity. {2} average rating in school. Pasar ku kay utsinta ákung abirids, …

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More than; as, above five hundred were present.

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adbans CEBUANO

adbans n advance payment on a salary, debt, etc. v {1} [AP; cP] give an advance. Adbansan ka nákug singku, …

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adlaw n {1} sun. {2} day. May adlaw nga magbásul ka, The day will come that you will be sorry. …

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adlib v [A; b6] deliver s.t. extemporaneously without any script. Kinahanglan sa usa ka anawunsir nga maáyu muadlib, Its necessary …

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Ad Ostium Ecclesls LAW AND LEGAL

At the door of the church, one of the five species of dower formerly recognized by the English law. 1 …

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aggregate ENGLISH

To amount in the aggregate to; as, ten loads, aggregating five hundred bushels.

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áhak a crazy (used only in exclamations). Aháka sad nímu uy! Youre nuts! v [a4] be crazy. Gipabáyad kag singku? …

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alas (not without l) [number] [so-and-so] oclock. Alas dus na ba? Is it two oclock yet? Alas sayis ang puntaríya …

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alawans CEBUANO

aláwans (not without l) n {1} allowance, amount of money given regularly. {2} leeway, extra space. v [A; c6] {1} …

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alcaic ENGLISH

A kind of verse, so called from Alcaeus. One variety consists of five feet, a spondee or iambic, an iambic, …

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alok-alok HILIGAYNON

alók-alók - Desultory, rambling, passing from one thing or work to another and not completing any; to work by fits …

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ambergris ENGLISH

A substance of the consistence of wax, found floating in the Indian Ocean and other parts of the tropics, and …

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v. /-UM-/ to be enough or sufficient. Saan nga umanay dayta nga kanen ti lima nga tao. That won’t be …

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Lat. In civil and old English law. A year; the period of three hundred and sixty-five days. Dig. 40, 7, …

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antáray - Distance, separation, interstice, interval; to be distant (separate, away) one from another. Limá ka tápak ang íla antáray. …

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antisipu CEBUANO

antisípu n advance payment. Díay singku nga sabtun antisípu sa ímung kabáyù, Here is five pesos as down payment for …

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ap-andawun CEBUANO

ap-andawun n the situation in a game of mahjong where to obtain mahjong (go out) the player needs to complete …

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