"Quilting" is a word in ENGLISH

quilting ENGLISH

A coating of strands of rope for a water vessel.

quilting ENGLISH

The act of stitching or running in patterns, as in making
a quilt.

quilting ENGLISH

of Quilt

quilting ENGLISH

The material used for making quilts.

quilting ENGLISH

A quilting bee. See Bee, 2.

Few words of positivity

There's so much more that I want to do. Of course it's great what has happened so far: Ultra, Coachella, EDC. But still, production-wise and show-wise, I'd love to play a show at Madison Square Garden. Stuff like that is beyond my imagination.

Martin Garrix

Laugh your heart out.

Girl: Did you like that cake, Mrs Jones? Mrs Jones: Yes, very much. Girl: That's funny. My mom said you didn't have any taste.

nestorian ENGLISH

An adherent of Nestorius, patriarch of Constantinople to the fifth century, who has condemned as a heretic for maintaining that …

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coordinate ENGLISH

To give a common action, movement, or condition to; to regulate and combine so as to produce harmonious action; to …

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scirrhus ENGLISH

An indurated organ or part; especially, an indurated gland.

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To drive with a puff, or with puffs.

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A genus of trees or shrubs including the willow, osier, and the like, growing usually in wet grounds.

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proceed ENGLISH

To issue or come forth as from a source or origin; to come from; as, light proceeds from the sun.

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maasum WARAY
dative ENGLISH

Removable, as distinguished from perpetual; -- said of an officer.

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lamiis ILOKANO

adj. /NA-/ cool, cold: said of the weather or objects. v. /-UM-/ to become cool, cold. LAMISAAN [f. Sp.], n. …

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habitual ENGLISH

Formed or acquired by habit or use.

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rack-rent ENGLISH

To subject to rack-rent, as a farm or tenant.

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limation ENGLISH

The act of filing or polishing.

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solvent ENGLISH

Able or sufficient to pay all just debts; as, a solvent merchant; the estate is solvent.

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olfaction ENGLISH

The sense by which the impressions made on the olfactory organs by the odorous particles in the atmosphere are perceived.

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sapient ENGLISH

Wise; sage; discerning; -- often in irony or contempt.

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