"Quicklime" is a word in ENGLISH

quicklime ENGLISH

Calcium oxide; unslacked lime; -- so called because when
wet it develops great heat. See 4th Lime, 2.

Few words of positivity

It's often discouraging sitting working at home, wondering whether to put the heating on, answering the doorbell to the gas board, feeling it's all utterly pointless.

Rachel Johnson

Laugh your heart out.

Q: What do you call cheese that's not yours?A: Nacho cheese!

calcigenous ENGLISH

Tending to form, or to become, a calx or earthlike substance on being oxidized or burnt; as magnesium, calcium. etc.

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hydroxide ENGLISH

A hydrate; a substance containing hydrogen and oxygen, made by combining water with an oxide, and yielding water by elimination. …

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To treat with lime, or oxide or hydrate of calcium; to manure with lime; as, to lime hides for removing …

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Oxide of calcium; the white or gray, caustic substance, usually called quicklime, obtained by calcining limestone or shells, the heat …

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An elementary substance, as sodium, calcium, or copper, whose oxide or hydroxide has basic rather than acid properties, as contrasted …

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saccharate ENGLISH

In a wider sense, a compound of saccharose, or any similar carbohydrate, with such bases as the oxides of calcium, …

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